here is the code: Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function setpad() {alert(document.getElementById("complete").style.margin-left);} </script> <style type="text/css"> #complete{ margin-left:180px;} </style> </head> <body onload="setpad();"> <div id="complete"> text data </div> </body> I am unable to access property of div "complete" ie. margin-left. What could be the other way to change it? I a getting the error that "left is undefined".
I am using Dreamweaver which shows margin-left. not marginLeft. by the way, marginLeft didn't work. I am trying to setup the div in the middle of the screen independent of screen resolution. How can I ?
It should. Check this HTML: <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function setMargin(){ document.getElementById("myButton").style.marginLeft = 200; } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" id="myButton" value="Click Me" onclick="setMargin()"> </body> </html> Now screen.width would help to get it centered.
Code: window.onscroll=function(){ document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop = document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop + document.body.scrollTop } using this code, I am trying to fix the div id="content" in the center while scrolling the page up/down. but this code is not working as value of marginTop and value of scrollTop are not getting added here, instead of that, it is getting concatenated.. How to fix this problem??
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var margin; function setScrollPage(){ document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop = parseInt(margin) + parseInt(window.document.body.scrollTop) document.title = document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop } window.onscroll = function(){ setScrollPage() } </script> I tried as u said. but still its not working. moreover IE is not setting the DIV in the center whereas FIREFOX successfully running the script of centering the DIV
May be you need to see the scroll bar width. Also IE compatibility is always an issue and let us know how it is not working in IE