Hello All, From Exe function, I am able to call MFC function by loading dll. Now, I need to call a exe function, from dll. For that, I am using following code: In Dll file, Code: EXPORT void DllFunc(void) { FnPtrT FnPtr = (FnPtrT)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "ExeFunc"); DWORD dw = GetLastError(); if(FnPtr) (*FnPtr)("Messge From The DLL"); else MessageBox(NULL,"Not work :(","From DLL",MB_OK); } I am getting handle to the exe file....but GetProcAddress is failing and returning NULL. In Exe function, i have declared Exefunc as: Code: extern "C" { EXPORT void ExeFunc(char * lpszMessage) { MessageBox(NULL,lpszMessage,"From ExeFunc",MB_OK); } } Any information regarding this will help. Regards, Naveen Anand