Because there no forum for C# i'll post i here: I want to check whether a specific key is press a the moment. However, I can only find functions to check this on events. I want to check this when there's no event called.
When you are not in a key press event that does mean key is not pressed and when ever its pressed the event will be fired.
no its not actually. It fires only the first time. EDIT: I solved it now for 4 keys with an array which remembers the states.
Can you explain a bit more on what you mean fires for the first time. Do you mean it fires once for multiple key fire events.
it only fires when you press it down, not when it is pressed: When I keep the down key pressed it fires only once; I want to check if its down every 1/40 second. I did it though on the way described one post earlier.
doesnt matter; i want to let it fire like 40 times a sec, and KeyPress only fires on press after its released; KeyDown only fires on pressing the key down (1 time).
Well you could use the event approach and create a variable to store the state of your key. Detect when the keydown event indicates it has been pressed. E.g. Code: private bool ControlKeyDown = false; private void txtSendData_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (KeyHandled = e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey) { ControlKeyDown = true; } } private void txtSendBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey) { ControlKeyDown = false; } } Then all you'd have to do is check your ControlKeyDown variable. It will get updated in realtime by the event handlers.
you cannot check the key char until tthe key is pressed and when any key is pressed a keyevent is fired.. and this depends on you that which event u want to fire either event on pressing or after pressing or after key is up and so on.. so u only need is in event is the args as (object sender, KeyEventArgs e) now u have different properties with 'e' and using intellisence check whether there is keychar prop so u write as follows.. if(e.keychar<64 && e.keychar>91) to check if Capitol alphabet is pressed(i.e caps +alphabet) and so on.. e.keychar returns ascii values of key pressed Check and do tel me how it runs.. m waiting
Try Code: [SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Form[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].ModifierKeys == [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Keys[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].Control[/SIZE] to check if CTRL is pressed, for example.