Yes you can. Code: main() { if(printf("Print whatever you want here.")) { } } This should generate one warning of main not returning anything but its not any error.
I realize your question says, "C compiler", but just for information purposes, a C++ compiler has different requirements. In a standards-compliant C++ compiler, failing to declare the return type of main will generate an error. That return type should properly be "int". Leaving off the return statement will not generate an error in a compliant C++ compiler; the compiler is required to provide it behind the scenes. All this has nothing to do with the semicolon question, of course. It's amazing how much logic one can put in an expression for an "if" or "while" construct.
Another way to do it is using conditional operators. or ?:..... i hope that you would find satisfactory example.... if you do not know refer this code but its rough.... (x>y)?(printf("\n\n X is greater than Y"))printf("\n\n Y is greater than X"));
Another way to do it is using conditional operators. or ?:..... i hope that you would find satisfactory example.... if you do not know refer this code but its rough.... (x>y)?(printf("\n\n X is greater than Y"))printf("\n\n Y is greater than X")); use smilie as ':'.....
You can prevent smilies (which will be common in C/C++code) by clicking "Go Advanced" and checking the "Disable smilies in text" box....
Nope its Or you can wrap the code tags around. Code: (x>y)?(printf("\n\n X is greater than Y")):(printf("\n\n Y is greater than X"));
Thanks for suggestion. Was unaware of this. WOuld surely keep in mind while posting next time..... - Wrecker
Hello everybody.. Maybe this request is not related with this section but however I want to ask U if possibly somebody knows... and the question is: Its about the Graphs as data structures in C programming implementing with adjacency matrix or list or stack (same) I want to ask if someone knows how is the CODE or Algorithm for solving problem that is related with INTERSECTION OF TWO GRAPHS(I said as a data structure) If someone knows THNX If someone doesn know another THNX )
gjkalaj, try creating a separate thread for the query with a suitable heading as that will make your query more visible and also help others when searching for something similar.
liked the solution of wrecker as I knew this before with the use of Question operator but thanx for if statement solution