I have one simple query in C: I have a file which has many name-value parameters like vinay=20 prashanth=30 path=(some path name) Also there are some name-value parameters which are commented like #section=some section the problem is i want to check for these values which are NOT commented and display those which are missing in the file and leave the commented ones(hashed ones) just like that. these name-value parameters should be there in a file and hence are fixed in that file... Wat i thought was to store the only name say prashanth in a char array and read the file line by line (using fgets) and get the name part from the file by delimiting it to '=' and compare it with the char array . If it returns 0 the update a int array which stores some values say 0 before , update it to 1 if the compare is 0. Can u suggest any other way or correct me where i am wrong . if code is given i would be greatful PLLLLS IF POSSIBLE REPLY TO MY EMAIL ID
You had the same thread in Introduction section with large fonts and I have deleted the thread. Please use font which are readable.