C to Java Coding

Discussion in 'Java' started by Cheatx, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Cheatx

    Cheatx New Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    Hi I'm really new to Java, and I'm trying to make a switch right now. I have the following code in C, and I was just wondering what differences I would have to change to make the code work in Java. The code is a Dictionary library ADT and it's based on a Binary Search Tree. Thanks a lot!

    *    Dictionary.c
    *    Binary Search Tree implementation of the Dictionary ADT
    /********************************* Private types and functions ***********************/
    *  Node
    typedef struct Node{
       int key;
       int value;
       struct Node* left;
       struct Node* right;
    } Node;
    *  NodeRef
    typedef Node* NodeRef;
    *  Dictionary
    typedef struct Dictionary{
       NodeRef root;
       int numPairs;
    } Dictionary;
    *  newNode
    *  Constructor for the private Node type
    NodeRef newNode(int k, int v) {
       NodeRef N = malloc(sizeof(Node));
       N->key = k;
       N->value = v;
       N->left = N->right = NULL;
    *  freeNode
    *  Destructor for the private Node type
    void freeNode(NodeRef* pN){
       if( pN!=NULL && *pN!=NULL ){
          *pN = NULL;
    *  findKey
    *  returns a reference to the Node containing key k in the subtree rooted at R,
    *  or NULL if no such Node exists
    NodeRef findKey(NodeRef R, int k){
       if(R==NULL || k==R->key) return R;
       if( k<R->key ) return findKey(R->left, k);
       else return findKey(R->right, k);
    *  findParent
    *  returns a reference to the Node which is the parent of N in the subtree rooted
    *  at R, or returns NULL if N is equal to R.
    NodeRef findParent(NodeRef N, NodeRef R){
       NodeRef P=NULL;
       if( N!=R ){
          P = R;
          for( ; P->left!=N && P->right!=N; P=(N->key<P->key?P->left:P->right) );
       return P;
    *  findLeftmost
    *  returns the leftmost Node in the subtree rooted at R, or NULL if R is NULL.
    NodeRef findLeftmost(NodeRef R){
       NodeRef L = R;
       if( L!=NULL) for( ; L->left!=NULL; L=L->left) ;
       return L;
    *  printInOrder
    *  prints the (key, value) pairs belonging to the subtree rooted at R in order
    *  of increasing keys to file pointed to by out.
    void printInOrder(NodeRef R, FILE* out){
       if( R!=NULL ){
          printInOrder(R->left, out);
          fprintf(out, "%d %d\n", R->key, R->value);
          printInOrder(R->right, out);
    *  deleteAll
    *  deletes all Nodes in the subtree rooted at N.
    void deleteAll(NodeRef N){
       if( N!=NULL ){
    /********************************* Public functions ******************************/
    *  newDictionary
    *  Allocates and initializes a struct representing an empty Dictionary.  Returns a
    *  pointer to new memory if successful, terminates if not successful.
    DictionaryRef newDictionary(void){
       DictionaryRef D = malloc(sizeof(Dictionary));
       D->root = NULL;
       D->numPairs = 0;
       return D;
    *  freeDictionary
    *  Frees all heap memory associated with *pD and sets the reference *pD to NULL
    void freeDictionary(DictionaryRef* pD){
       if( pD!=NULL && *pD!=NULL ){
          *pD = NULL;
    *  isEmpty
    *  pre: none
    *  post: returns 1 (true) if D is empty, 0 (false) otherwise
    int isEmpty(DictionaryRef D){
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling isEmpty() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
    *  size
    *  pre: none
    *  post: returns the number of entries in D
    int size(DictionaryRef D){
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling size() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
    *  lookup
    *  pre: none
    *  post: returns value associated key k, or UNDEF if no such key exists
    int lookup(DictionaryRef D, int k){
       NodeRef N;
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling lookup() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
       N = findKey(D->root, k);
       if( N!=NULL ) return N->value;
       else return UNDEF;
    *  insert
    *  inserts new (key,value) pair into D
    *  pre: key k currently does not exist in D, i.e. lookup(D, k)==UNDEF
    *  post: !isEmpty(D), size(D) is increased by one
    void insert(DictionaryRef D, int k, int v){
       NodeRef N, A, B;
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling insert() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
       if( findKey(D->root, k)!=NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: cannot insert() duplicate keys\n");
       N = newNode(k, v);
       B = NULL;
       A = D->root;
       while( A!=NULL ){
          B = A;
          if( k<A->key ) A = A->left;
          else A = A->right;
       if( B==NULL ) D->root = N;
       else if( k<B->key ) B->left = N;
       else B->right = N;
    *  delete
    *  deletes pair with the key k
    *  pre: key k currently exists in D, i.e. lookup(D, k)!=UNDEF
    *  post: size(D) is decreased by one
    void delete(DictionaryRef D, int k){
       NodeRef N, P, S;
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling delete() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
       N = findKey(D->root, k);
       if( N==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: cannot delete() non-existent key\n");
       if( N->left==NULL && N->right==NULL ){
          if( N==D->root ){
             D->root = NULL;
             P = findParent(N, D->root);
             if( P->right==N ) P->right = NULL;
             else P->left = NULL;
       }else if( N->right==NULL ){
          if( N==D->root ){
             D->root = N->left;
             P = findParent(N, D->root);
             if( P->right==N ) P->right = N->left;
             else P->left = N->left;
       }else if( N->left==NULL ){
          if( N==D->root ){
             D->root = N->right;
             P = findParent(N, D->root);
             if( P->right==N ) P->right = N->right;
             else P->left = N->right;
          S = findLeftmost(N->right);
          N->key = S->key;
          N->value = S->value;
          P = findParent(S, N);
          if( P->right==S ) P->right = S->right;
          else P->left = S->right;
    *  makeEmpty
    *  pre: none
    *  post: isEmpty(D)
    void makeEmpty(DictionaryRef D){
       D->root = NULL;
       D->numPairs = 0;
    *  printDictionary
    *  pre: none
    *  post: prints a text representation of D to file pointed to by out.
    void printDictionary(DictionaryRef D, FILE* out){
       if( D==NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr, "Dictionary Error: calling printDictionary() on NULL DictionaryRef\n");
       printInOrder(D->root, out);
  2. Cheatx

    Cheatx New Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    This is what I have so far: (any help is appreciated :) )

    // Dictionary.java
    // Binary Search Tree implementation of the Dictionary ADT
    public class Dictionary implements DictionaryInterface {
      // private inner Node class
      private class Node {
          int key;
          int value;
          Node left;
          Node right;
          Node(int k, int v){
             key = k;
             value = v;
             left = null;
             right = null;
      // Fields for the IntegerList class
       private Node root;     // reference to root Node in List
       private int numItems;  // number of items in this IntegerList
       // Dictionary()
       // constructor for the Dictionary class
       public Dictionary(){
          root = null;
          numItems = 0;
        // findKey
        // returns a reference to the Node containing key k in the subtree rooted at R,
        // or NULL if no such Node exists
       private Node findKey(int index){
         Node N = root;
         if(index < N.key ) return findKey(index-1);
         else return findKey(index+1);
       // isEmpty()
       // pre: none
       // post: returns true if this Dictionary is empty, false otherwise
       public boolean isEmpty(){
         return (numItems == 0);
       // size()
       // pre: none
       // post: returns the number of entries in this Dictionary
       public int size(){
         return numItems;
       // lookup()
       // pre: none
       // post: returns value associated key k, or UNDEF if no such key exists
       public int lookup(int k){
         return 0;
       // insert()
       // inserts new (key,value) pair into this Dictionary
       // pre: key k does not exist in this Dictionary, i.e. lookup(k)==UNDEF
       // post: !isEmpty(), size() is increased by one
       public void insert(int k, int v) throws KeyCollisionException{
       // delete
       // deletes the pair with the key k
       // pre: key k currently exists in this Dictionary, i.e. lookup(k)!=UNDEF
       // post: size() is decreased by one
       public void delete(int k) throws KeyNotFoundException{
       // makeEmpty()
       // pre: none
       // post: isEmpty()
       public void makeEmpty(){
         root = 0;
         numPairs = 0;
       // toString()
       // overrides Object's toString() method
       // pre: none
       // post: returns a String representation of this Dictionary ordered
       // by ascending keys
       public String toString(){
         String s = "";
         for(Node N=root; N!=null; N=N.left){
           s += N.key + ", " + N.value + " ";
         return s;

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