Hi I have this code to send a .txt file between 2 computers, I want to know how can I add simple encryption to it? Code: #include <stdio> #include <conio> #define CNTRLZ 0x1A char sourceFileName[] = "H:\\text.txt"; char commStreamName[] = "COM1"; FILE *commStream; FILE *SouceFile; char charToSend; char ReadAccess[] = "r"; char WriteAccess[] = "w"; char errorMsg[] = "fail to open data file\n"; char fileopenflag[] = "r"; char EndOfFile[] = "EOF"; int main(void) { FILE *fp; FILE *dp; int c; if ((dp = fopen("COM1", "r")) == NULL) { printf("fail to open COM port\n"); return 1; } if ((fp = fopen( sourceFileName, "w")) == NULL) { printf("fail to open data file\n"); return 1; } while ((c = fgetc(fp )) != EOF) { fputc( c, dp); putch(c); } fputc('*', dp); fclose(dp); fclose(fp); } I don't have a clue and please can someone give me an idea? also where where I stick the code, I'm still a noob.
http://www.go4expert.com/showpost.php?p=21870&postcount=3 The poster doesn't want help to learn, he just wants a free lunch. No point in even trying to help.
If you want simple encryption, try this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher, it's really easy to implement!