I have been working on this Booth Algorithm in mips. The specifications of th problem are: 1. Provide a prompt for the multiplicant and the multiplier. 12 bits must be used and since 2 four bits numbers are entered, the answer must be eight (8) bits. Help me identify the problem in this code. Code: .text .globl main main: li $v0, 4 #Enter multiplicant la $a0, msg1 syscall li $v0, 5 syscall move $a0, $v0 li $v0, 4 #Enter multiplier la $a0, msg2 syscall li $v0, 5 syscall move $a1, $v0 li $v0, 0 li $t1, 0 li $t0, 12 # twelve bits algorithm: and $t2, $a0, 24 #24 bit mask sll $t2, $t2, 1 or $t2, $t2, $t1 beq $t2, 2, check10 beq $t2, 1, check01 b shift check10: sub $v0, $v0, $a1 b shift check01: add $v0, $v0, $a1 shift: and $t1, $a0, 16 #16 bit mask and $t2, $v0, 8 #8 bit mas sll $t2, $t2, 31 srl $a0, $a0, 1 or $a0, $a0, $t2 sra $v0, $v0, 1 sub $t0,$t0, 1 bnez $t0, algorithm # Printing the 8 bits results ($v0,$a0) li $v0, 4 la $a0, msg3 syscall li $v0,1 move $v0, $a0 syscall .data msg1: .asciiz"\nEnter multiplicand" msg2: .asciiz"\nEnter multiplier" msg3: .asciiz"\nThe Eight bits result is"