Hey i have a error in this script whats wrong with it? Code: Function Main() Player = Actor() D = OpenDialog(Player, ContextActor(), "Fat Ivan's Magic Shop") DialogOutput(Player, D, "Welcome to my shop! And what may I do for you?", 255, 255, 255) Result = DialogInput(Player, D, "Magic skill increase (10 gp)", "Mana boost (2 gp)", "Healing spell (15 gp)", "Charm creature spell (5 gp)", "Speed! (5 gp)", "Trade", "Nothing, goodbye") If (Result == 1) If (Gold(Player) > 9) ChangeGold(Player, -10) SetAttribute(Player, "Magic", Attribute(Player, "Magic") + 2) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Attribute increased!", 255, 255, 255) ScreenFlash(Player, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1000) Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "You do not have enough gold!", 255, 255, 255) EndIf ElseIf (Result == 2) If (Gold(Player) > 1) CurrentLevel = Attribute(Player, "Mana") If (CurrentLevel < MaxAttribute(Player, "Mana")) ChangeGold(Player, -2) SetAttribute(Player, "Mana", CurrentLevel + 1) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Mana restored!", 255, 255, 255) Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "Your mana is already full...", 255, 255, 255) EndIf Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "You do not have enough gold!", 255, 255, 255) EndIf ElseIf (Result == 3) If (Gold(Player) > 14) If (Attribute(Player, "Magic") > 9) ChangeGold(Player, -15) AddAbility(Player, "Heal Self", 1) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Spell learned!", 255, 255, 255) Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "Sorry, your magic skill is not high enough.", 255, 255, 255) EndIf Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "You do not have enough gold!", 255, 255, 255) EndIf ElseIf (Result == 4) If (Gold(Player) > 4) If (Attribute(Player, "Magic") > 4) ChangeGold(Player, -5) AddAbility(Player, "Charm Creature", 1) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Spell learned!", 255, 255, 255) Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "Sorry, your magic skill is not high enough.", 255, 255, 255) EndIf Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "You do not have enough gold!", 255, 255, 255) EndIf ElseIf (Result == 5) If (Gold(Player) > 4) ChangeGold(Player, -5) AddActorEffect(Player, "Speed!", "Speed", 15, 30, 131) ScreenFlash(Player, 255, 50, 50, 255, 1000) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Vrrrrooooom!", 255, 50, 50) Else DialogOutput(Player, D, "You do not have enough gold!", 255, 255, 255) EndIf ElseIf (Result == 6) OpenTrading(Player, ContextActor()) DialogOutput(Player, D, "Thanks for coming!", 255, 255, 255) ElseIf (Result == 7) CloseDialog(Player, D) Return() EndIf DialogInput(Player, D, "Goodbye...") CloseDialog(Player, D) EndThen Return() End Function and Function Main() GiveItem(Actor(), "Forge Hammer", 1) GiveItem(Actor(), "questionmark", 1) GiveItem(Actor(), "Razor Mace", 2) GiveItem(Actor(), "Leather Shirt", 1) GiveItem(Actor(), "Odd Mushroom", 4) GiveItem(Actor(), "Beer", 11) SetName(Actor(), "Thoreg") Return() End Function