Binary Tree in Assembly Language

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by phingphing, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. phingphing

    phingphing New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    I tried looking high and low for a sample of writing a code for a Binary Tree, there isnt one or i must have missed it somewhere.

    This is what i would need in assembly language.

    ;   insert  Insert a new node in a binary search tree       
    ;   Entry   0(r14)= ->Pointer to the root of a binary tree  
    ;             4(r14)= Number to be added to the tree           
    ;             jal insert                                                        
    ;   Result  r1 = ->Pointer to the root of the binary tree   
    ;   Uses    r1,r2                                      
    i manage to come out with something in java, but i have no idea how to translate it into assembly (DLX assembly) language.

    bst insert(bst tree, int n)      // add n to the tree
    	if ( tree == 0 )         // an empty tree is replaced by a new node
    		tree = newNode(n) ;
    	} else
    		if (n > tree.value)    // if n is > node, add n to the left sub-tree
    			tree.left = insert(tree.left,n) ;
    		} else
    		{                        // otherwise add n to the right sub-tree
    			tree.right = insert(tree.right,n) ;
    	return tree ;            // return a pointer to the tree
    Can anyone give me a rough idea or let me know how can i find an assembly equivalent on the internet please? Thanks alot in advance.
  2. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    One way to convert it would be to get a Java to C translator, which will generate C for you, and you can then use a C compiler to generate assembly code. Compilers will in general produce object code, but if you dig through the manual you'll find the option that will produce an assembly language listing.

    A quick Google finds which describes the DLX Compiler & Assembler and its -l option to generate assembly. Another ("java to c") finds a number of Java to C translators which could be up to the job.

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