8086 MASM source code help!!!

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by monocube, May 10, 2008.

  1. monocube

    monocube New Member

    May 10, 2008
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    hey all..
    can anybody help me with an 8086 assembly source code for a simple calculator??
    it has the following specifications :

    • The calculator should perform a signed addition (+), subtraction (-), Multiplication (*),
    and division.
    • The calculator takes two operands only.
    • The user can use the (-) unary operator to determine if the number is negative
    otherwise it is positive.
    • Division should be developed so that the result should appear in floating point
    • The operands have a maximum size of 3-digits 0-999).
    • All operands are entered in decimal form.
    • The operation should appear as in the following :

    12 + 15 = 27
    123 / 12 =10.25
    100 * 8 = 800
    -12 + 6 = -6

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