Whenever we change the names of any files on webserver its better to make a 301 permanent redirect from the old URL to the new URL and for Linux server you can use the .htaccess to make the permanent redirect. I find a disadvantage of this as it is very much dependent on the OS of the server and if you are changing hosts then there could be a problem of old URL not being redirected and so its better to put the redirection into the code. Here are the code snippets to achive the same. PHP PHP: <? Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); Header( "Location: http://www.newdomain.com" ); ?>
Re: 301 permanent redirect in ASP and ASP.NET In ASP.NET Code: <script runat="server"> private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location","http://www.newdomain.com/"); } </script> and in ASP Code: Response.Clear Response.Status = 301 Response.AddHeader "Location", "newUserLogin.asp" Response.Flush Response.End
Re: 301 permanent redirect in JSP Code: response.sendError(response.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, "/newURL.jsp");