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Discussion in 'Monthly Article Competition' started by shabbir, Aug 25, 2007.

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  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    How the Contest will be conducted?

    Each month we will have new thread where you can nominate your favorite articles you think are best. After the nomination process we have the complete list of all the articles and the best 5 - 10 of them will be picked and will be open to voting. Judges decision will be final.

    At the beginning of Month 2 ( March ) We will have a nomination thread where every one can nominate articles they think are the best.

    The nomination will be open for 12 Days and then in 3 days we will choose the best among the submitted ones for open public voting.

    Till 25th of the month the voting will be open and then we will choose the winner.

    Points to Note:
    • You can nominate articles submitted in Month 1 ( February ) only. The article submitted previous to month 1 ( January ) will not be eligible.
    • Post the link to the article instead of just having the title of the article. You can get the Link copied automatically using the Book Mark menu available for each article / thread.

    Will have 2 threads for each month's competition
    1. For nomination of the article with the prize declaration.
    2. Voting and at the end of the voting - Prize.

    Also any member can also provide the prize if he wishes to. For that he need to make the post in the Nomination thread with the details.

    Also note that new threads in the forum will be moderated and will not be live when you post them but the reply to the threads will be live as soon as you post them (Unless its flagged as spam).

    The competition will be for the articles submitted from September 2007.

    What will be the Prizes?

    Each month the best article (With public voting) will be awarded prizes from Go4Expert and different companies and it's winner takes them all!

    What the article should be all about?

    To be eligible articles must be new and must be related to development in some form or another. Check out the Article Submission guidelines for info on posting articles.


    Votes will be based on who has voted for you. A vote from leader / team leader will have more weighted average than a registered member with 0 or very low post count and the one which has the highest weighted number of votes will be awarded the prizes.

    [highlight]Edited April 09 2008[/highlight]

    Only user's have some minimum number of posts will be able to vote but for nomination you can make posts.

    [highlight]Appended 08 October 2008[/highlight]

    Article posted on multiple site would not qualify for nomination. Any article found duplicate would follow the following guidelines - Rules for Duplicate Article Submission
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