Nomination for article of the month of March

Discussion in 'Monthly Article Competition' started by shabbir, Apr 4, 2008.


Nomination for article of the month of March

Poll closed Apr 13, 2008.
  1. [thread=9633]Hard Drive Tweaks[/thread]

  2. [thread=9341]Converting 2 dimemsional array to 3 dimensional array and vice versa in c++[/thread]

  3. [thread=9247]Restriction on creation of object into heap, stack, static memory[/thread]

  4. [thread=9219]Perl Hash : Tips & Tricks[/thread]

    0 vote(s)
  5. [thread=9133]Memory Leak detection Program without using any tools[/thread]

  6. [thread=9128]Parsing technique in sql server[/thread]

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Its time to nominate your favorite article of the month. The article should be posted in the month of March 2008 and you should place a link to the article so that there is no confusion. You can copy the link to any article using the Bookmarks menu > Copy BBCode to Clipboard.

    I would nominate some of them

    Hard Drive Tweaks
    Converting 2 dimemsional array to 3 dimensional array and vice versa in c++
    Restriction on creation of object into heap, stack, static memory
    Perl Hash : Tips & Tricks
    Memory Leak detection Program without using any tools
    Parsing technique in sql server

    There is no restriction to how many you can nominate so just go ahead for all the article you liked.

    Go4Expert will be offering $50 as prize money payable in Paypal or direct transfer to your bank account if you have an account in India.

    This time we have a poll for some chosen one but you can add to the lists by posting the link to the Article.

    Also if you think we have missed any of them which you think should be there is the nominations feel free to post a link to the article in the posts below.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Note, After lot of problems in last month's voting from this month only user's having some minimum number of posts will be able to vote. It has been incorporated in Rules as well.
  3. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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