Hi Friends, I have a youtube problems on my glype proxy site. I can view youtube but when i click on a video i found an error there, video not found or acces denied on the video (jwplayer) If anyone have Any ideas please suggest me. site is hidesurf.me Thank you
Script used by you transforms all the url's from a page from site.com to hidesurf.blabla so youtube player get's the video url as hidesurf.bla.bla.. link that does not exist . Here is a part of your code that actualy changes site code. Code: // Extract a base tag if ( (parser = /<base href(?==)=["']?([^"' >]+)['"]?(>|\/>|<\/base>)/i.exec(html)) ) { ginf.target.b = parser[1]; // Update base variable for future parsing if ( ginf.target.b.charAt(ginf.target.b.length-1) != '/' ) // Ensure trailing slash ginf.target.b += '/'; html = html.replace(parser[0],''); // Remove from document since we don't want the unproxied URL }