Hi, When I try doing anything like viewing my own profile, viewing a thread, etc., I get the following message: As far as I was aware, filling out profile details was optional. Why can I not do anything (e.g. start a new thread, etc.) without doing this? p.s., the way I was able to post this thread was, to delete cookies, click the "New Thread" button, and when I logged in again it redirected me to the correct page by default. If I click "New Thread" while logged in, I get the error above. Also, the second request. This account was last logged in to almost 7 years ago. A lot of things have changed since then. I would like to ask to get this account deleted. Thank you in advance.
Another question, *which* profile fields have to be filled out to stop getting the above error? Also, if I try viewing most pages while being logged in, such as my own profile page or even the URL (this site)/showthread.php?p=100799 (which should redirect to this thread), I get the following error: If I log out, I can view these pages just fine.
Its the Interest field which is located here - http://www.go4expert.com/profile.php?do=editprofile Glad it redirected you to the right page and will look into the bug. Sure. Works ok when required fields are filled but will look into the bug when it is missing.
This bug is still there. But at least, it now tells you that "A required field called Interests is missing." My account has still not been deleted... Please delete my account. Thanks in advance.