Hi, Can we have strict NO Requests to hack? Specially the Ethical Hacking forum, a lot of people will come and post lame threads and waste people time.... Its a very huge topic and the way people take it i really feel sad for it, its not a joke to just hack peoples emails, there accounts, or someones site.. sure its cool, media makes it look cool, but these people wanna go the easy way, copy paste and have some fun ruining someones life (who knows what damage it might have on someone's life). 1) People Should not be allowed to post a new thread for sometime, speically in a forum like Ethical Hacking. Like they should have minimum of 20-30 posts before they can post any threads in it. 2) A Seperate newbies tutorial as a must to read in ethical hacking. Which covers not only what is hacking, but what is ethical hacking and what is not? 3) More mods for ethical hacking forum. 4) Some sites manage these idiocies by having a separate section where they lock and move it to. Its known as the "Hall of shame" so that even if newbies miss it, they see and get the idea that this kinda thing will not be tolerated by this site. A clear message should be there in the board that "Hey this is a No Nonsense board." ps - heres a few list of links that i am talking about http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17865 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=5533 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17941 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17750 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17627 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17548 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=16075 http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17238 etc etc etc... Even if we think it shouldn't be ban, well make a seperate forum in itself.. "Requests for Hacking! (Related)" it'll work like a honeypot,, diverting all these stuff to one place whosoever is interested will go there and keep other queries clean.... Everyones Happy. Although I would prefer the former but i am giving both the sides...
Yes. Thats true for all the forums like in C-C++ we get lot of homework help queries like do my this work and that work and if we block the people from posting things it would be a problem for a genuine user as well. We already have Ethical Hacking Tutorials as well as search but if we try to find a way to block people who are not ready to use one thing I am sure they would not use even Gold. We have most there only. Hall of shame then becomes the place to spam and we have it but its hidden.
whys it hidden then? l let it be seen atleast all these crap will move to one place, whosoever is interested will know where to go rather then posting here and there...?
One of these links : http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=17941 does not open. ALL Other threads deleted.
Do not delete the old thread because there may be lot of bookmarks on them and we should make rules for the new threads. Delete them when you see them.
Yes but if we go through 17k threads and even delete most of them people would find lots of bookmarks and other things now working and so its a good practice to start on something from where you think the point of start.