@ shabbir : (1) Can you please clarify, how does the Rep Power of a user increase ? (2) What is special with the "Warning" check box while giving infractions ? Please explain in details. Thanx.
If you get reputation from other members your reputation increases. Its like Yellow Card in Football and if its not warning its Red Card.
When I try to add reputation, many times I get the error : (1) I tried to distribute much reputation, but still I get the error ! Why ?? How much "exactly" should I distribute ?? (2) Why does this limit exist ?!? What are it's advantages ? Only a few "well-known" members make some useful posts so how can I distribute reputation to others ?? Arbitrarily !?! (3) At least "mods" should not have this limit, 'cuz they are expected to know what they are doing.
The count was 10. I have reduced it to 5. So now you should repute 5 other members before you can give reputation to the same member. Reputation is not based on user group but based on your reputation power and so if you still face the same problem we can reduce it more.
Is this logical ?? I mean, why ? Why am I forced to repute 5 other members first and then repute the one who actually deserves !? :undecided :snobby: :worried: Please decrease the count further .. And, I think we should have a facility to see the recent reputations that we have added. As we view the reputations received, I think we should also be able to view the reputations sent. EDIT :: It's really hard to find 5 "different and deserving" members every-time.
@shabbir I just saw a new kind of Infraction : "Guideline Violation". Could you please explain (may be with some examples), as when to give infraction for "Running up Post Count" (instead of "Spam") and "Guideline violation" (instead of "Not Allowed") ?
The basic difference is if you want to ban the user for same action and other is not ban but just warn the user.
@ shabbir : I think you didn't read the last post in the thread. You answered the difference between "Warning" and "Infraction", right ?? But, my question was : Please mention what "exactly" do you mean by running up post count ? Is it like .. posting short messages like simply or Thanx or Cool etc.. ?? And, please clarify regarding "Guideline Violation" too.
I read but did not answer that elaborately. Say a person is running up post count and you want him to just give a warning but not a permanent banned from the site then it would be come into handy the other one. See the number of points and see it. Warning is something like Yellow and Red card.
I wanted to know, how often is the G4EF feed updates ?? I have added the RSS functionality to my toolbar now and, it shows the latest threads as found in the G4EF feed. I tried posting to some old threads, to verify if its working fine ... but I was disappointed to find that it wasn't. After an exhaustive search for any possible bugs, it strikes to me that may be the problem is with the feed and not the toolbar .. and yes, so it was. The feed is updated so late, I didn't have the patience to wait and watch when my posts appear in the feed. Plz do something about it. Is there any other way to retrieve latest posts (except reading the feed) ?? I had asked this earlier, but asking it again ....