Hi all ... As the super moderator and co-administrator of this site I would like to request all the members to submit feedback regarding the various aspects of the site where there is a room for improvement. I hope you realise that due to various constraints it is not possible to start with the best, the improvement should be a continuous process. Also, I take this oppurtunity to thank everybody who have come forward to help out fellow members by sharing their knowledge and skill. The response really has been overwhelming. The best thing about this is, we all gain. Wishing all the very best to the entiire go4expert team. Amit Ray. To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains. ( Mary Pettibone Poole )
Hello Amit, There is no room for improvement I guess.As a member I would like to take the advantage to thank all the guys/gals out here, who r doing a excellent job posting and giving there precious time. Thanks Anindya
i am fully agree with ray in this, really there no more imporvement require,basically only one thing is less that memeber's. but one day it has plenety of member,there is good discussion over each topic
Thanks that you all feel this way ... but then there is no harm in pushing our limits ... Have fun, Amit Ray
I'd say it's really great to have a site where you can get the professional "expert" help. It's a good idea and this site feels like it's on a greater level of expertise than other help oriented sites. For improvements, i can't really say anything right now since i am new here, but as Amit says, there's no harm in pushing the limits. And you're limits are already pushed a bit. Daniel