how can I sum this function

Discussion in 'Meet and Greet' started by hrenolino, May 9, 2011.

  1. hrenolino

    hrenolino New Member

    May 9, 2011
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    This function is prediction for erosion of cavitation. I am writing udf for fluent. To this point udf is working.
    How can I sum C_UDMI? I want to sum C_UDMI (erosion) for all time steps of calculation. Now it only gives me result of the last time step/iteration.

    Here is current udf:

       UDF for calculating something and printing it to     
       console window at the end of the current iteration or time step  
    #include "udf.h"
    /*definiramo novo spremenljivko C_UDMI(c,t,0), ki se zapise le ob koncu casovnega koraka in je enaka C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,t);*/
    /*ne pozabi it v define-user defined-memory in dat prosto mesto!!!*/
      Domain *d;
      Thread *t;
      cell_t c;
      face_t f;
      d = Get_Domain(1);   /* mixture domain if multiphase */
    thread_loop_c (t,d)
    if (FLUID_THREAD_P(t))
    if (8.97*pow(1.1,2)*sqrt(C_P(c,t)/0.5542) > 118.745878036397)
        C_UDMI(c,t,0) = 26.7*pow(10,-5)/1484*(8.97*pow(1.1,2)*sqrt(C_P(c,t)/0.5542)-sqrt((200000000/998.2)*(1-(pow((1+200/300),-1/7)))));
    else if (8.97*pow(1.1,2)*sqrt(C_P(c,t)/0.5542) <= 118.745878036397)
        C_UDMI(c,t,0) = 0.;
    Thank you for helping

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