Hi everyone I am new to this site. I wonder if anyone can answer my question. I have a HP pavilion xt183 laptop, have had it for a while and a while back I put a password on the BIOS so my kid will not mess things up. The problem is that I forgot what the password is can anyone tell me how to retset the password? I have tried to open the case and maybe remove the battery but I have only messed around with PC's. I would need instructions on how to open the case if I need to. Thanks...
You will see near the RAM, there will be jumpers that sais CLRCMOS or something similar, fuse those jumpers and presto. Sometimes it is even a reset button that is very small near the RAM. You will have to unscrew the hatch of the RAM underneath your laptop and look there. Welcome to G4E.
Hi, thanks for jour quick reponse. I opened the ram, even removed the ram could not see anything that said clrcmoc or anything similar. I even opened another area no luck either. Are we talking about the HPpavilion xt183 laptop? Thanks for the welcome too. Paul