Hello, I am Helen!. And even though this my first post here

Discussion in 'Meet and Greet' started by HelenVBeden, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. HelenVBeden

    HelenVBeden New Member

    Feb 1, 2007
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    Hello, I am Helen!. And even though this my first post here, I for a long time on this forum www.go4expert.com I'm not sure if this should go here or in the GENERAL DISCUSS section, so if it's in the wrong place, my apologies (and can someone move it please! EXCUSE uneducated girl). I just loved this topic. Honestly we should start some movement or society. Anyway I'm also one of those people who enjoy to discuss "Help And Support". In my opinion it would be a lot better to get some fact into our STUFF. I'll glad read all new information about this topic Thanks a lot..!! Helen V. Beden.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Its should not be a part of Help And Support because its for the help in using the forum and anything you would like to ask the mods for using g4ef.

    I have moved your forum to the introduction forum.

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