Hi brothers I need urgent help for my problem its about : I am using following code to avoid my user to inter number used before its work perfect always except last a few days I found duplicate number in my data base table part of code where process the number PHP: <?php$message = $idn;if (strlen($message) != 10){ echo "number must 10 digit";} else {if (!$name | !$add | !$colour | !$yea | !$country | !$branch | !$price | !$idn) {die('<a href="everyuser.php?tag=">sorry idn lese than 10</a>');} if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$idn = addslashes($idn); } $usercheck = $idn; $check = mysql_query("SELECT idn FROM rescar WHERE idn = '$usercheck'") or die(mysql_error()); $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($check2 != 0) { die(' sorry this number used before ( number '.$idn.' ) '); }?> could any one help and tell me what happened exactly and how to fix this problem . thank for your help