Application of Information Technology to Business Management

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by infosdem, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. infosdem

    infosdem New Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Information technology’s application to business management in today’s competitive landscape is essential in the societal environment. The reason is that for companies to thrive and survive, they need the capacity to manage continuous change and constantly adapt new ideas for rapid changes in business environment. Business information technology which intends to increase productivity and save time and money, must improve in adapting method to save costs, in other to better meet the needs of the public, which in turn gives birth to the evolution of the business technology landscape.
    Information technology or IT plays a crucial role in all aspects of modern business, which this book: Application of Information Technology to Business Management is all about. In handling Information Technology we must not isolate it from practical programmes that concern understanding how managers and business owners can be helped to achieve competitive advantage. Basic knowledge of IT nevertheless is vital to developing competencies in e-business, mobile technologies and project management, that also facilitates specialization in areas of career aspirations.
    Specialization gives one options and flexibility in the area of business concepts, which eventually exposes the real businesses requiring the deployment of Information Technology as a solution for business problems.
    The study of information technology expand business environment worldwide and encourages organizational skills to direct business leaders who are challenged by norms of business.
    Managing modern organizations with Information Technology provides a collection of unique perspectives on the issues surrounding the business, looking more closely at the technology itself and how it fits into the business context. The rise of Google is a case in point. Another is the transformation of the financial services sector.
    Think about the big suppliers of software to business or the impact of the internet on personal leisure time, households and learning. Consider the broad social impact of new information technology and it can be argued that the study of information systems (IS) provides a fascinating route to comprehending what is involved.
    All these allow for inter-related programmes that provide entry points for graduates from the Computing and Management Sciences to acquire understanding of the uses of information systems and internet applications in the private and public sectors.
    Thomas W. Malone, and Patrick J. McGovern, Professors of management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management, has written about a dramatic shift that is occurring in how businesses are organized.
    Impacted by globalization and enabled by technologies that are driving down the cost of communications, large corporations are decentralizing and creating networks of separate but interrelated businesses.
    Malone cites eBay as a prime example of a company that operates as a business network. Today, hundreds of thousands of eBay sellers around the world make their full-time living on eBay. If these people were employees of eBay, the company would be one of the largest global employers and retailers in the world. But eBay sellers are independent business people.
    This way of organizing delivers huge benefits to eBay, says Malone, which can grow bigger and faster with fewer resources than traditionally organized companies.
    But it also creates new and interesting challenges, because eBay has less control over its direct business activity than many other companies. It must take into account opinions from both sellers and buyers in the eBay network before making many of its decisions.
    One major key to success in a decentralized business is the idea of Information Democracy, ID, a principle of equality that demands actionable insight for all.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    How this becomes a News? Moved to General Chat
  3. infosdem

    infosdem New Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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