Hello. Our firm has developed the interpreter of language Basic "Open Basic". Versions for Windows (BCB60, MSVC7) and Linux (GCC 3.2.2) are accessible. The full interpreter, without virtual machines. English page: http://www.mktmk.narod.ru/eng/ob/ob.htm IDE for Open Basic (it is written on BCB60): http://www.mktmk.narod.ru/eng/ide_ob/ide_ob.htm Open Basic (OB) is realization of the interpreter of language Basic. OB is developed for embed to user application as a script language. User may attach (connect) user function to Open Basic execution system. The user functions can be written on C/C++, assembler or others languages. The user functions can receive parameters from the Basic-program and return results to Basic-program. Program interface of user functions allows determine type and order of parameters at run-time. OB realizes a subset of commands of language Basic. OB it is written completely on C++ and it is realized as a class with a name ob_obasic. OB supports data of three types: floating point, signed integer, and string and arrays of these types. OB has multithread-safe code. All libraries is freeware. Yours faithfully MKTMK Software Company
This is a duplicate post of http://www.go4expert.com/showthread.php?t=417 and is nowhere fits into Codes / Projects, so Closing this thread.