Here are a few Windows Explorer shortcuts which we all can put to some use. Move backward to a previous view. => ALT+LEFT ARROW Move forward to a previous view. => ALT+RIGHT ARROW View the folder one level up. => BACKSPACE Copy a file. => CTRL while dragging the file Create a shortcut. => CTRL+SHIFT while dragging the file. Delete an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin. => SHIFT+DELETE Display Find: All Files dialog box. => F3 Display the selected item's shortcut menu. => APPLICATION key Refresh window. => F5 Rename item. => F2 Select all items. => CTRL+A View an item's properties. => ALT+ENTER or ALT+DOUBLE-CLICK Collapse the current selection if it is expanded or Select the parent folder. => LEFT ARROW Collapse the selected folder. => NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN (-) Expand the current selection if it is collapsed or Select the first subfolder => RIGHT ARROW Expand all folders below the current selection. => NUM LOCK+* Expand the selected folder. => NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN (+) Switch between left and right panes. => F6