Uderstanding Structures in C/C++

Discussion in 'C++' started by Mridula, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. Mridula

    Mridula New Member

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    This article talks about Structures in C/C++.



    Structure is a collection of variables of potentially different types, grouped together under a single name, for ease of handling.


    • Structure helps to organise complicated data as it allows to encapsulate group of related variables under a single unit.
    • structures make program modular, easier to modify and make things compact

    Declaraing a Structure

    Structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name, also called as tag. Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside flower braces {} , ended with a semicolon ";".


    struct EmployeeRecord
    int empId;
    char * name;
    float salary;

    Here EmployeeRecord is the name of the structure. It contains 3 different variables as shown above.

    Defining a structure variable

    It is simlar to any basic data type declaration. Here data type is the structure variable.

    We can define a structure variable in below ways along with structure declaration:


    struct EmployeeRecord
    int empId;
    char * name;
    float salary;

    struct EmployeeRecord rec1, rec2;


    Declare the structure using typedef and then use the structure name/tag alone to
    define it's variables as below:

    typedef struct EmployeeRecord
    int empId;
    char * name;
    float salary;

    EmployeeRecord rec1, rec2;


    1. Declaration of a structure gives the template for the structure or gives a customized data type. Whereas variable of it's type reserves the storage.

    2. Variables declared inside a structure are called it's members.

    3. A member of a structure is refered or can be accessed as below

    structVarName.member1 or
    structVarName->member1 in case structVarName is a pointer to a Struct

    4. We can have the same name of a member of a structure as non-member or member of another structure in an application.

    For Example:

    struct EmployeeRecord
    int empId;
    char * name;

    struct Salary
    int empId;
    float basic
    float variablePay;

    Here in these structures, name of the member empId is same.

    5. Structures can not be compared

    6. Can do below operations on a Structure

    • Can be copied,
    • assigned to,
    • passed to a function as arguments
    • Can be returned by a function
    • We can take it's address and thus use pointers of that type
    • Access it's members

    7. Structures can be nested.

    For Example:

    struct Salary
    float basic;
    float variablePay;

    struct EmployeeRecord
    int empId;
    char * name;
    struct Salary sal;

    Here we can see, struct Salary is member of another structure called EmployeeRecord. So,we can access basic of an Employee as EmployeeRecord.sal.basic;

    Initializing a Structure

    A structure can be initilized by following it's definition with a list of initializers for the members as below:

    struct EmployeeRecord emp1 = { 100, "mridula", 10,000};

    By default structure members are initialized with garbage values. The elements in the aggregate that are not given initilizers are default initialized according to their ata type. Also we can initialize all the elements of a Structure with "0" or "NULL" (depneding on their dayatype) value by just assigning it with an empty {} like below.

    struct EmployeeRecord emp1 = {};

    Example 1:

    The code

    class EmployeeRecordC
        int data;
        int sal;
                cout<<"Class::data := "<<data<<endl;
                cout<<"Class::sal := "<<sal<<endl;
    int main()
        typedef struct
            int data;
            int sal;
        EmployeeRecordS emp1;  
        cout<<"Default Structure EmployeeRecordS member values\n";
        cout<<"Struct::data :="<<emp1.data<<endl;
        cout<<"Struct::sal :="<<emp1.sal<<endl;
        EmployeeRecordS emp2={};
        cout<<"Structure EmployeeRecordS member values when initilized with {} \n";
        cout<<"Struct::data :="<<emp2.data<<endl;
        cout<<"Struct::sal :="<<emp2.sal<<endl;
        cout<<"Class data member values\n";
        EmployeeRecordC employee1;
    Default Structure EmployeeRecordS member values
    Struct::data :=4
    Struct::sal :=-4265828
    Structure EmployeeRecordS member values when initilized with {} 
    Struct::data :=0
    Struct::sal :=0
    Class data member values
    Class::data := -4265936
    Class::sal := 163952
    Structure as a Function argument:

    A structure can be passed using below ways as argument to a function:

    • Passing it's members seperately
    • Passing by Value
    • Passing by it's Pointer
    • Passing by it's Reference
    Example 2:

    The code

    struct EmployeeRecord
        int empId;
        char name[20];
        float salary;
    void displayNameOfEmp(char empName[20])
        cout<<"Name of EmloyeeRecord\n";
        cout<<"Name := "<<empName<<endl;
    void print1(struct EmployeeRecord emp)
        cout<<"Details of EmloyeeRecord\n";
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::empId := "<<emp.empId<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::name := "<<emp.name<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::salary :="<<emp.salary<<endl;
    void print2(struct EmployeeRecord *empPtr)
        cout<<"Details of EmloyeeRecord\n";
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::empId := "<<empPtr->empId<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::name := "<<empPtr->name<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::salary :="<<empPtr->salary<<endl;
    void print3(struct EmployeeRecord &empRef)
        cout<<"Details of EmloyeeRecord\n";
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::empId := "<<empRef.empId<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::name := "<<empRef.name<<endl;
        cout<<"EmployeeRecord::salary :="<<empRef.salary<<endl;
    int main()
        struct EmployeeRecord emp;
        cout<<"Pass Structure member as Argument to a function...\n";         
        cout<<"Pass Structure by value as Argument to a function...\n";         
        cout<<"Pass Structure Pointer as Argument to a function...\n";         
        cout<<"Pass Structure Reference as Argument to a function...\n";
    Pass Structure member as Argument to a function...
    Name of EmloyeeRecord
    Name := Mridula
    Pass Structure by value as Argument to a function...
    Details of EmloyeeRecord
    EmployeeRecord::empId := 12345
    EmployeeRecord::name := Mridula
    EmployeeRecord::salary :=10507.5
    Pass Structure Pointer as Argument to a function...
    Details of EmloyeeRecord
    EmployeeRecord::empId := 12345
    EmployeeRecord::name := Mridula
    EmployeeRecord::salary :=10507.5
    Pass Structure Reference as Argument to a function...
    Details of EmloyeeRecord
    EmployeeRecord::empId := 12345
    EmployeeRecord::name := Mridula
    EmployeeRecord::salary :=10507.5
    Structure as a Return Type of a Function

    Example 3:

    The code

    #include <iostream.h>
    struct Allowance
        int hraAl;
        int medicalAl;    
    struct Salary
        int basic;
        struct Allowance al;
    struct EmployeeRecord 
      int empId;              
      char name[20];               
      struct Salary sal;
    Allowance computeAllowance(int basic)
        Allowance resAl;
        resAl.hraAl = basic*12/100;
        resAl.medicalAl = basic*20/100;
        return (resAl);
    int main() 
       cout<<"Structure as a return type of a function ...\n";
       EmployeeRecord emp1 = {10, "Mridula"};
       emp1.sal.basic = 10000;
       emp1.sal.al = computeAllowance(emp1.sal.basic);
       cout << "EmpId :="<<emp1.empId<<endl
            << "Name :="<<emp1.name<<endl
            << "Salary.HraAllowance :="<<emp1.sal.al.hraAl<<endl
            << "Salary.MedicalAllowance :="<<emp1.sal.al.medicalAl
            << endl;
    Structure as a return type of a function ...
    EmpId :=10
    Name :=Mridula
    Salary.HraAllowance :=1200
    Salary.MedicalAllowance :=2000
    In this example, we can also see nested structure and it's usage. Same way we can even return Pointer or Reference to a Structure.

    Assigning one structure to another structure

    We can Assign an existing structure value to another new structure to initialize it.

    Example 4:

    The code

    #include <iostream.h>
    struct EmployeeRecord 
      int empId;              
      char name[20];               
      float salary;
    int main() 
      EmployeeRecord emp1 = { 10, "Mridula", 10000.0 };
      cout<<"emp1 structure details ...\n";
      cout << "EmpId :="<<emp1.empId<<endl
           << "Name :="<<emp1.name<<endl
           << "Salary :="<<emp1.salary
           << endl;
      cout<<"\nAssigning one structure to another i.e. emp1 to emp2...\n";
      EmployeeRecord emp2 = emp1;
      emp2.empId = 100;
      cout<<"\nemp2 structure details ...\n";
      cout << "EmpId :="<<emp2.empId<<endl
           << "Name :="<<emp2.name<<endl
           << "Salary :="<<emp2.salary
           << endl;
      return 0;
    emp1 structure details ...
    EmpId :=10
    Name :=Mridula
    Salary :=10000
    Assigning one structure to another i.e. emp1 to emp2...
    emp2 structure details ...
    EmpId :=100
    Name :=Mridula
    Salary :=10000      
    Here in this example, emp2 is initialized with emp1 details and then later it's empId is modified.

    Array of structures

    This example shows an Array of structures. Also Pointer to that Array of structures.

    Example 5:

    The code

    #include <iostream.h>
    const int SIZE = 3;  
    typedef struct EmployeeRecord{  
       int empId;              
       char name[20];               
       float salary;                   
    int main()
       int n;  
       EmployeeRecord empArray[SIZE], *strPtr;
       for(n=0; n<SIZE; n++)
          cout << endl;  
          cout << "Enter empId := ";  
          cin >> empArray[n].empId;
          cout << "Enter Name := ";  
          cin >> empArray[n].name; 
          cout << "Enter Salary := ";  
          cin >> empArray[n].salary;       
       cout<<"\nRecords in EmployeeRecord Array using (ptr to Array ) are ...\n";
       strPtr = empArray;
       for(n=0; strPtr<(empArray+SIZE); strPtr++, n++) 
          cout << "EmpId := " << empArray[n].empId <<" ";  
          cout << "Name := "  << empArray[n].name <<" ";  
          cout << "Salary := "  << empArray[n].salary << endl;  
       return 0;  
    Enter empId := 1
    Enter Name := Mridula
    Enter Salary := 10500 
    Enter empId := 2
    Enter Name := Meena
    Enter Salary := 20500
    Enter empId := 3
    Enter Name := Milana
    Enter Salary := 30600
    Records in EmployeeRecord Array using (ptr to Array ) are ...
    EmpId := 1 Name := Mridula Salary := 10500
    EmpId := 2 Name := Meena Salary := 20500
    EmpId := 3 Name := Milana Salary := 30600
    So here, by incrementing strPtr gives the next record in that EmployeeRecord array.

    Difference between C and C++ structures

    • All data members are public in c where as they are private in C++.
    • In c, structure is defined as struct struct-name struct_variable name, if we have not defined stucture with typedef. where as in C++ we can do the same with struct-name struct_var_name even without using typedef
    • We cannot have methods in c structure whereas we can have methods in C++ structure.

    Reasons for using structures

    Use structures to clarify Data-Relationship

    When all the Data are structured together, it is easy to understand how they are related and why they are grouped in one data type.

    Use structures to simplify operations on group of data

    In applications like protocol-development, working on some related data, then it is more reliable and takes less code, operating on them when they are structured, than operating on them individualy.

    To reduce maintenance

    Deletion or adding a new element to an existing structure does not need modifications to many places like where it is used as a whole like as a function parameter, assignment statement etc. This makes maintenance easier.
  2. hanleyhansen

    hanleyhansen New Member

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  3. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

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  4. sushilmohan19

    sushilmohan19 New Member

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    How can i explain this syntax in c++
  5. davidk

    davidk New Member

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    Note also, that structures in C++ may have virtual and static functions just as classes:
    struct some_struct
    void member_func(){} //member function
    virtual void foo(){} //virtual function
    static void bar(){} //static function
    The only difference between structures and classes in C++ is member visibility by default, so the structure in C++ is:
    class Struct
    But it is not recommended to include virtual functions inside structures, because for another programmer it is clear that the structure may be reset by
    memset(&structure, 0, sizeof(structure));
    but if this structure has virtual functions - zeroing the memory this way will result in runtime error which probably will be hard to find.

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