Important note: I cannot be held responsible when these files or your AV scanner in combination with these files cause any damage to your computer. YOU DOWNLOAD THESE FILES AT YOUR OWN RISK. Download these files only if you are sufficiently secure in the usage of your AV scanner. There are lot of anti virus programs available in the market which confuses the people to choose the best. The most important thing to consider at this point is to check how effective is their anti virus program against the virus. Does it captures the virus correctly or just scans the system and leaves the infection? How to check the anti virus program works effectively in your PC? Practically, you would need to wait until your system gets infected or you would need to download an infected file. But what if your system is already infected and your anti virus program fails to find it. You might also be thinking that way and need to test your anti virus program before you fully rely on that. Here is the Eicar test string which you can use safely to test the effectiveness of your anti virus program. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* This string was developed by European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research as an alternative to virus file instead of having real virus file to risk. All you need to do is to copy the above string and save it as a text file using notepad. When you scan the system you anti virus program should find this as file as a threat. For more info check this link It is also available as a test file in the above link.
wow! I might have to give this a shot when i get home tonight. I have AVG on a comp that is acting weird and would like to see if the AVG is really doing its job. THANKS!
Just problems like my mouse keeps moving by itself or suppose im typing my name (Raghav) the letter r would change to another key and lots of other probs aswell i.e. computer shuts down by itself restart,log off and errors whcih i think would not be included in xp , it says "Nothing to do" My anti virus keeps prompting me about this scv or svchost,smss.exe, system.exe etc... - scince i know that is a system process im not going to delete it ,but i need to know why this happening or how do i fix it. When ever i restore my laptop with a fresh install of xp, anti virus shows same msg again and after like 1-3 days itl go bad again ...The message says - "System.exe is trying to connect to the internet. However, you are about to recieve a connection from another computer. What would you like to do? I blocked it , but some how it gets through the firewall or antivirus. Thanks for help.
U have a trojan installed in your system. Download a good antivirus and antispyware and runa thorough scan to get rid of those. The best way is to reinstall a fresh copy of the OS.
Yes, thanks for the tips, but iv installed and also formatted my hard drive fully, and installed a fresh new copy of windows xp using nlite. I think the problem might be that it is spreading through my network...because i installed the same os (this time withouth sata drivers), on to my other 2 desktop computers, and comodo prompted me about a msgmgr.exe or EXPLORER[1].EXE is trying to get access to a process called smss.exe, then it kept going down the process list, while then it said that it wants to access svchost.exe, crss.exe,jqd.exe,cmdagent.exe,igsnotify.exe,serbices.exe etc... Thanks for your tips and help.
Important note: I cannot be held responsible when these files or your AV scanner in combination with these files cause any damage to your computer. YOU DOWNLOAD THESE FILES AT YOUR OWN RISK. Download these files only if you are sufficiently secure in the usage of your AV scanner. There are lot of anti virus programs available in the market which confuses the people to choose the best. The most important thing to consider at this point is to check how effective is their anti virus program against the virus. Does it captures the virus correctly or just scans the system and leaves the infection? How to check the anti virus program works effectively in your PC? Practically, you would need to wait until your system gets infected or you would need to download an infected file. But what if your system is already infected and your anti virus program fails to find it. You might also be thinking that way and need to test your anti virus program before you fully rely on that. Here is the Eicar test string which you can use safely to test the effectiveness of your anti virus program. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* This string was developed by European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research as an alternative to virus file instead of having real virus file to risk. All you need to do is to copy the above string and save it as a text file using notepad. When you scan the system you anti virus program should find this as file as a threat. For more info check this link It is also available as a test file in the above link. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My own-created Adiputra AV 1.1.2 find it as a threat easily I think my signature database is increased to 98 sigantures Hehehe Thanks a lot
kaspersky too found "X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*" as a threat... thanks.. but i wonder what is there in this code that makes antivirus to think its a threat??????
@neo_vi: I don't consider this as a test to check if your anti-virus is really good I consider it as just a test for the software to be eligible to become an anti-virus The anti-virus will itself prove good to you if: - you are infected by any virus and your anti-vrus detects and cleans/removes it - your anti-virus prevents your machine to be attached by network attacks - and many other important activities... without consuming a big chunk of your ram @mayjune: You may look into the below links for more info: