Struggling with MySQL Queries

Discussion in 'MySQL' started by montyonthebonty, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. montyonthebonty

    montyonthebonty New Member

    Dec 12, 2021
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    I am trying to build a system to keep track of (rail) vehicle maintenance. I have several tables:

    tblVehicles - gives details of the individual designation
    tblDesignations - gives more detailed information about the vehicle type (not relevant to this)
    tblRunningDays - lists the days that each vehicle ran
    tblMaintenance - gives details of each inspection due, and when they are carried out.
    tblExams - gives details of the type of inspection - some are done based on number of days run, some are based on time irrespective of how many days the vehicle has run.

    I want to give two lists - one to show how many running days the vehicle has left until its next exam, and what type of exam (from tblExams) it is due - this could be a 7 day light exam, a 14 day moderate one etc.

    The other is to show which time-dependent exam is due - again, this could be a light 6-month exam, or a more in-depth 12 month exam.

    For the first one, I have the following query:

    SELECT tblVehicles.vclID, tblDesignations.desLabel, tblVehicles.vclFleetNumber, tblVehicles.vclBRNumber, tblMaintenance.mntDateCompleted, tblExams.exmTitle, tblExams.exmFrequency,
    COUNT(tblRunningDays.dayDate) AS daysRun, (tblExams.exmFrequency - COUNT(tblRunningDays.dayDate)) AS daysRem
    FROM tblVehicles
    RIGHT JOIN tblMaintenance ON tblVehicles.vclID = tblMaintenance.mntVehicle
    INNER JOIN tblDesignations ON tblVehicles.vclDesignation = tblDesignations.desID
    INNER JOIN tblExams ON tblMaintenance.mntExam = tblExams.exmID
    INNER JOIN tblRunningDays ON tblVehicles.vclID = tblRunningDays.dayVehicle
    WHERE tblExams.exmTime = FALSE AND tblMaintenance.mntDateCompleted < tblRunningDays.dayDate
    GROUP BY tblVehicles.vclID, tblExams.exmTitle
    ORDER BY daysRem ASC;'

    This one kind of works, but seems to use the days run since the FIRST exam of each type, not the most recent one. Any ideas? I'm still meddling but rapidly running out of ideas.

    For the second one, I have the following query:

    SELECT tblVehicles.vclID, tblDesignations.desLabel, tblVehicles.vclFleetNumber, tblVehicles.vclBRNumber,
    tblExams.exmID, tblExams.exmTitle,
    tblMaintenance.mntID, MIN(DATE_FORMAT(tblMaintenance.mntDue, "%a %D %b %Y")) AS nextExam
    FROM tblVehicles
    RIGHT JOIN tblMaintenance ON tblVehicles.vclID = tblMaintenance.mntVehicle
    INNER JOIN tblExams ON tblMaintenance.mntExam = tblExams.exmID
    INNER JOIN tblDesignations ON tblVehicles.vclDesignation = tblDesignations.desID
    WHERE tblMaintenance.mntDateCompleted IS NULL AND tblMaintenance.mntDue > CURRENT_DATE
    GROUP BY tblMaintenance.mntVehicle
    ORDER BY tblMaintenance.mntDue ASC
    LIMIT 20;

    Again this kind of works, it brings up the next exam date for each vehicle, but shows the wrong values from tblExams, and I have no idea why!

    For reference tblMaintenance has the following fields:

    mntID = Primary Key
    mntVehicle = the vehicle on which it has been done - links to vclID in tblVehicles
    mntExam = the type of inspection that is being done - links to exmID in tblExams
    mntDue = with time sensitive exams, the date the exam is due. Null if the exam is not time-sensitive.
    mntDateCompleted = self-explanatory.

    tblExams has the following fields
    exmID = Primary Key
    exmTime = 1 if the exam is time-sensitive, 0 if it is based on number of days run.
    exmFrequency = Integer. Represents the number of days between exams, or months if it is time sensitive.
    exmTitle = What the type of exam is called.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. montyonthebonty

    montyonthebonty New Member

    Dec 12, 2021
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    UPDATE - I only need an answer for the first query. The second one turns out not to be a problem (the six-monthly and twelve-monthly exams run out at around the same time, so it's actually helpful to display them both then nothing gets missed.

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