Introduction This code is a simple example to show the creation of various tab controls. The code Code: //HEADER FILES # include <windows.h> //IDENTIFIERS # define IDC_CHECKBOX1 100 ///<Identifier For 1st Check Box # define IDC_CHECKBOX2 101 ///<Identifier For 2nd Check Box # define IDC_CHECKBOX3 102 ///<Identifier For 3rd Check Box # define IDC_CHECKBOX4 103 ///<Identifier For 4th Check Box # define IDC_RADIO11 104 ///<Identifier For 1st Radio Button # define IDC_RADIO12 105 ///<Identifier For 2nd Radio Button # define IDC_RADIO13 106 ///<Identifier For 3rd Radio Button # define IDC_RADIO21 107 ///<Identifier For 1st Radio Button # define IDC_RADIO22 108 ///<Identifier For 2nd Radio Button # define IDC_RADIO23 109 ///<Identifier For 3rd Radio Button # define IDC_EDITBOX 110 ///<Identifier For Edit Control # define IDC_LISTBOX 111 ///<Identifier For List Box # define IDC_SUBMIT 112 ///<Identifier For Submit Button # define IDC_GROUP1 113 ///<Identifier For 1st Group # define IDC_GROUP2 114 ///<Identifier For 2nd Group # define IDC_GROUP3 115 ///<Identifier For 3rd Group # define IDC_RESET 116 ///<Identifier For Reset Button # define IDC_COMBOBOX 117 ///<Identifier For Reset Button # define ONE 1 ///<Macro Declaration. # define TWO 2 ///<Macro Declaration. # define THREE 3 ///<Macro Declaration. # define FOUR 4 ///<Macro Declaration. # define ZERO 0 ///<Macro Declaration. # define FIVE 5 ///<Macro Declaration. //Global Variables HANDLE ghInstance; ///< Contains the instance of the Application int gCheckonce=ONE,i; ///<used for the submit button to allow only one submission. /** * WinMain() to register our window class * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hInstance:- Handle to the programs executable module (the .exe file in memory) * @param [in] hPrevInstance:- Always NULL for Win32 programs.Handle to the previous instance of the application * @param [in] lpszCmdLine:- Pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit characters.specifying the command line for the application,excluding the program name * @param [in] nCmdShow:- How the window is to be shown * * @return msg.wParam it returns wParam value of each message. * */ int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { WNDCLASS wc; ///<contains the window class attributes that are registered by the RegisterClass function MSG msg; ///<structure contains message information from a thread's message queue HWND hWnd; ///<handle to window BOOL bRet; LoadLibrary("riched32.dll"); if( !hPrevInstance ){ wc.lpszClassName = "GenericAppClass"; ///<Name to identify the window class. wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; ///<Pointer to the window procedure for this window class = CS_OWNDC | CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW; ///<Specifies the class style(s) wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION ); ///<returns the handle to an icon to be loaded on the window wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); ///<returns the handle to the cursor that has to be displayed wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)( COLOR_WINDOW+11); ///<set the background color wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; ///<class have no default menu wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; RegisterClass( &wc ); ///<this will register the class } ghInstance = hInstance; //CreateWindow will return the handle to a new window hWnd = CreateWindow( "GenericAppClass", ///<name of the window class "EXAMPLE OF TAB CONTROL", ///<window name WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_HSCROLL| WS_VSCROLL|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, ///<specifies the window style 0, ///<set the horizontal position of the window 0, ///<set the vertical position of the window CW_USEDEFAULT, ///<set the width of the window CW_USEDEFAULT, ///<set the height of the window NULL, ///<contains valid pointer for child window NULL, ///<class menu is used hInstance, ///<Handle to the instance associated with the window NULL ); //function to show the window ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE ); //it will be executed if function will return nonzero value while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0 ) { //execute if there is an error otherwise 'else' part is executed if (bRet == -1) { return 0; } else { TranslateMessage( &msg ); ///<translates virtual-key messages into character messages. DispatchMessage( &msg ); ///<dispatches a message to a window procedure } } ///<loops ended return (int)msg.wParam; ///< returns integer that indicates the additional information of the msg } // End of WinMain() /** * MainWndProc procedure * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] msg specifies the msg * * @return 0 returns zero. * */ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc( HWND phWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( uMsg ){ //call function to create all controls. case WM_CREATE: CreateControls(phWnd); ///<creates all the controls. break; //used to close the window case WM_CLOSE: if((MessageBox(phWnd, "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO EXIT ?", "Message",MB_OKCANCEL))==IDOK){ //for final exit DestroyWindow(phWnd); ///< POSTS THE MESSAGE WM_DESTROY TO DESTROY THE CREATED WINDOW. } break; case WM_COMMAND: //Handling Window Controllers switch(LOWORD(wParam)){ case IDC_SUBMIT: ///<handles the submission of the details into the list box on clicking submit if(HIWORD(wParam)==BN_CLICKED && gCheckonce==ONE){ ///< hiword(wParam) takes the notification AddItemsInListBox(phWnd); ///<displays all the details in the list box. gCheckonce=TWO; } break; case IDC_RESET: if(HIWORD(wParam)==BN_CLICKED){ for(i=ZERO; i<FOUR; i++){ //sends message to uncheck the radio buttons of the first group. SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,(IDC_RADIO11+i)),BM_SETCHECK,BST_UNCHECKED,0); //sends message to uncheck the radio buttons of the second group SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,(IDC_RADIO21+i)),BM_SETCHECK,BST_UNCHECKED,0); //sends message to uncheck the check boxes. SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,(IDC_CHECKBOX1+i)),BM_SETCHECK,BST_UNCHECKED,0); } //sends message to reset the edit box. SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_EDITBOX),WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)" "); //sends message to reset the combo box. SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_COMBOBOX),CB_SETCURSEL,0,""); //sends message to reset the list box. SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_LISTBOX),LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); //resets the flag of the submit button to 1. gCheckonce=ONE; } break; } break; //USED TO CONTROL WINDOW case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); ///< posts the message wm_quit to quit the window. break; //TO PROVIDE DEFAULT PROCESSING ON ANY WINDOW MESSAGES default: return( DefWindowProc( phWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )); } return 0; } /** * CreateLabels() used to create labels for all the controls * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Parent Window * @param [in] hwndCheckBox contains the address of the check box control * */ void CreateLabels(HWND phWnd) { //LABEL FOR THE COMBO BOX CreateWindow("Static","Enter the field of Study:",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_LEFT,40,80,200, 20,phWnd,NULL,ghInstance,NULL); //LABEL FOR THE BADIOBUTTONS OF FIRST GROUP CreateWindow("Static","Enter the Students Year Of Study:",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_LEFT,40,160,250 ,20,phWnd,NULL,ghInstance,NULL); //LABEL FOR THE EDIT BOX CreateWindow("Static","Enter the Students Name:",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_LEFT,510,80,180,20, phWnd,NULL,ghInstance,NULL); //LABEL FOR THE RADIOBUTTONS OF THE SECOND GROUP CreateWindow("Static","Enter the Students Initials:",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_LEFT,510,160,180,20, phWnd,NULL,ghInstance,NULL); //LABEL FOR THE CHECK BOX CreateWindow("Static","Enter the Students Hobbies:",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_LEFT,220,350,280,20, phWnd,NULL,ghInstance,NULL); } /** * CreateControls() used to create Controls for all the controls * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Parent Window * @param [in] hwndCheckBox contains the address of the check box control * */ void CreateControls( HWND phWnd ) { //TO CREATE COMBO BOX CreateComboBox(phWnd); //TO CREATE RADIOBUTTON CreateRadioButtonfirstgroup(phWnd,180); //TO CREATE LABELS FOR ALL THE CONTROLS CreateLabels(phWnd); //TO CREATE THE GROUP STRUCTURE CreateGroups(phWnd); // CreateEditBox(phWnd); CreateEditBox(phWnd); //TO CREATE SECOND SET OF RADIOBUTTONS CreateRadioButtonsecondgroup(phWnd,180); //TO CREATE CHECK BOX CreateCheckBox(phWnd,340); //TO CREATE THE SUBMIT AND RESET BUTTONS FOR THE 1ST TAB Createopbutton(phWnd); //TO CREATE LIST BOX CONTROL CreateListBox(phWnd); //used to setfocus on ComboBox SetFocus(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_COMBOBOX)); } /** * CreateGroups() used to create groups for all the controls * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Parent Window * @param [in] hwndCheckBox contains the address of the check box control * */ void CreateGroups(HWND phWnd) { //CREATES THE OUTLINE FOR THE FIRST GROUP CreateWindow("Button", "SUBJECT DETAILS" , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |BS_GROUPBOX,30,50,400,250,phWnd, (HMENU)IDC_GROUP1,ghInstance,NULL); //CREATES THE OUTLINE FOR THE SECOND GROUP CreateWindow("Button", "STUDENT DETAILS" , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |BS_GROUPBOX,500,50,400, 250,phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_GROUP2,ghInstance,NULL); //CREATES THE OUTLINE FOR THE THIRD GROUP CreateWindow("Button", "HOBBIES" , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |BS_GROUPBOX,30,320,670, 120,phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_GROUP3,ghInstance,NULL); } /** * CreateRadioButtonfirstgroup() used to create Radio Button for first Group Box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] button_no Contains the Radio button no. * */ void CreateRadioButtonfirstgroup(HWND phWnd,int y_axis) { int i,x_axis; char *radiobuttonnames[]={"I","II","III"}; //this loop creates the three radiobuttons. for(i=ZERO,x_axis=50;i<THREE;i++,x_axis+=90){ CreateWindow("Button",radiobuttonnames[i],WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, x_axis,y_axis,50,100,phWnd,(HMENU)(IDC_RADIO11+i),ghInstance,NULL); } } /** * CreateRadioButtonsecondgroup() used to create Radio Button for second Group Box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] button_no Contains the Radio button no. * */ void CreateRadioButtonsecondgroup(HWND hWnd,int y_axis) { int i,x_axis; char *radiobuttonnames1[]={"Mr","Miss","Mrs"}; //this loop creates the three radiobuttons. for(i=ZERO,x_axis=520;i<THREE;i++,x_axis+=90){ CreateWindow("Button",radiobuttonnames1[i],WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, x_axis,y_axis,50,100,hWnd,(HMENU)(IDC_RADIO21+i),ghInstance,NULL); } } /** * Createopbutton() used to create submit and reset button * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] button_no Contains the Radio button no. * */ void Createopbutton(HWND phWnd) { //CREATES THE SUBMIT BUTTON CreateWindow("Button","Submit",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON|WS_TABSTOP ,350,600,100,30, phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_SUBMIT,ghInstance,NULL); //CREATES THE RESET BUTTON CreateWindow("Button","Reset",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON|WS_TABSTOP ,550,600,100,30, phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_RESET,ghInstance,NULL); } /** * CreateCheckBox() creates the check boxes * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Parent Window * @param [in] hwndCheckBox contains the address of the check box control * */ void CreateCheckBox(HWND phWnd,int y_axis) { int x_axis,i; char *checkboxnames[]={"Singing","Dancing","Sketching","Drawing"}; //this loop creates the four checkboxes. for(i=ZERO,x_axis=50;i<FOUR;i++,x_axis+=150){ CreateWindow("Button",checkboxnames[i],WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_AUTOCHECKBOX|WS_TABSTOP, x_axis,390,100,15,phWnd,(HMENU)(IDC_CHECKBOX1+i),ghInstance,NULL); } } /** * CreateComboBox() used to create Combo Box For first Group Box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * */ void CreateComboBox(HWND phWnd) { char *comboitem[] = { "SELECT", "MATHS", "BIOLOGY", "COMMERCE", "ARTS" }; int i; CreateWindow( "COMBOBOX", "", CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |WS_TABSTOP|WS_GROUP, 70, 100, 200, 500, phWnd, (HMENU) IDC_COMBOBOX, ghInstance, NULL); //Add items in the Combo Box for(i=ZERO;i<FIVE;i++) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_COMBOBOX), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) comboitem[i]); } /** * CreateEditBox() used to create submit and reset button * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] button_no Contains the Radio button no. * */ void CreateEditBox(HWND phWnd) { //CREATES THE EDIT BOX CreateWindow("Edit",NULL,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE |WS_BORDER|WS_GROUP|WS_TABSTOP,700,70,180,40, phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_EDITBOX, ghInstance,NULL); } /** * CreateListBox() used to create List Box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * */ void CreateListBox(HWND phWnd) { //CREATES THE LIST BOX CreateWindow("ListBox",NULL,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE |WS_BORDER |WS_VSCROLL , 200,480,200,50,phWnd,(HMENU)IDC_LISTBOX,ghInstance,NULL); } /** * AddItemsToListBox() used to retrieve text from all the controls and add those in List Box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window */ void AddItemsInListBox(HWND phWnd) { //CALL FUNCTION TO RETRIEVE THE SELECTED STRING FROM THE COMBO BOX RetrieveTextFromComboBox(phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE CHECK BOX 1 SELECTD OR N0T checkbox(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_CHECKBOX1),phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE CHECK BOX 2 IS SELECTD OR N0T checkbox(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_CHECKBOX2),phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE CHECK BOX 3 IS SELECTD OR N0T checkbox(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_CHECKBOX3),phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE CHECK BOX 3 IS SELECTD OR N0T checkbox(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_CHECKBOX4),phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 1 OF RADIO GROUP 1 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO11,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 2 OF RADIO GROUP 1 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO12,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 3 OF RADIO GROUP 1 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO13,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 1 OF RADIO GROUP 2 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO21,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 2 OF RADIO GROUP 2 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO22,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE RADIO BUTTON 3 OF RADIO GROUP 2 IS SELECTD OR N0T radiocheck(IDC_RADIO23,phWnd); //CALL FUNCTION TO CHECK THAT WEATHER THE TEXT IS AVILABLE IN EDIT CONTROL OR N0T EditText(phWnd); } /** * radiocheck() used to check whether or not Radio Buttons are checked * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * @param [in] Button_no Identifier of Radio Button. * */ void radiocheck(int pButton_no,HWND phWnd) { char* edittext; int i; //RETURN TRUE IF RADIO BUTTON IS SELECTED if(SendMessage( GetDlgItem(phWnd,pButton_no),BM_GETCHECK,0,0) == BST_CHECKED) { //Retrieve the length of the text associated with the CheckBox i = GetWindowTextLength( GetDlgItem(phWnd,pButton_no)); //Allocate memory of i length edittext = (char*)calloc(10,(i+1)*sizeof(char)); //Retrieve the string associated with the Radio Buttons GetWindowText( GetDlgItem(phWnd,pButton_no), edittext,i+1); //Add that string in to the List box SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_LISTBOX),LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) edittext); free(edittext); } } /** * EditText() used to retrieve text from Edit Text control of first group box and add it to the list box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * */ void EditText(HWND phWnd) { char *edittext; ///<contains the address of the Buffer //call RetrieveText() to retrieve text from the Edit Control of First Group Box edittext=RetrieveText( GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_EDITBOX)); //add that string in the List box SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_LISTBOX),LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) edittext); free(edittext); } /** * RetrieveTextFromComboBox() used to retrieve selected text from combo box * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * */ void RetrieveTextFromComboBox(HWND phWnd) { char *edittext; int CBIndex; (LRESULT) CBIndex = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_COMBOBOX),CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); //checks whether or not any value is selected in the combo box if not retuns -1 if (CBIndex != -1) { edittext=RetrieveText( GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_COMBOBOX)); //ADD THE RETRIEVED TEXT TO THE LIST BOX SendMessage(GetDlgItem(phWnd,IDC_LISTBOX),LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) edittext); free(edittext); } } /** * RetrieveText() used to retireve text from th edit control * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Window * */ char* RetrieveText(HWND hWnd) { char *edittext; int textlength; //Retrieve text length (LRESULT) textlength = SendMessage( hWnd,WM_GETTEXTLENGTH,0,0); edittext=(char*)calloc(textlength+1,sizeof(char)); //retrieve the string entered in the Edit Control SendMessage( hWnd,WM_GETTEXT,textlength+1,(LPARAM) edittext); return edittext; } /** * checkbox() used to check whether or not check boxes are checked * * This continues into the more detailed description of the function. * * @param [in] hWnd Contains the address of the Parent Window * @param [in] hwndCheckBox contains the address of the check box control * */ void checkbox(HWND phwndCheckBox , HWND phWnd) { char * edittext; int i; //RETURN TRUE IF CHECK BOX IS SELECTED if(SendMessage(phwndCheckBox,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)==BST_CHECKED) { //retrieve the length of the text associated with the CheckBox i = GetWindowTextLength(phwndCheckBox); //Allocate memory of i length edittext = (char*)calloc(10,(i+1)*sizeof(char)); //retrieve the string associated with the CheckBox i = GetWindowText( phwndCheckBox, edittext,(i+1) ); //add that string in to the List box SendMessage(GetDlgItem( phWnd, IDC_LISTBOX ),LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) edittext); free(edittext); } }
in this code what i hav ebasically tried to do is that , i have tried showing the creation of the various controls.
at the beginning , i have checked where there already exists a window .if so we do all our creations on that itself . else we create a new window through cretae consists of 12 fields. you can further refer to msdn for it
then there is a window proc function .this is a window procedure. in this we firstly create all the controls whatever we want. you can find the creation of all the controls in the create control block.