RSS or Remote Site Syndication is an excellent marketing tool of the new Internet age which is basically syndicating content from another site. Websites have become very sophisticated and the demand for quality content is systematically increasing. Consumers have become very demanding in terms of the knowledge-based content an online business has available on their site. RSS formats are specified using XML, a generic specification for the creation of data formats. An RSS feed in itself is nothing impressive and when you start providing them you too will have to create it. The technology is not new but it is the use that is impressive and powerful. You can easily inform all your subscribers of updates to your website easily through RSS feeds. RSS feeds are being used by countless marketers in order to have a wider reach and promote products to audiences. In fact RSS feeds are more effective than email marketing because they can’t get filtered out and people have a choice of integrating them into their websites directly. RSS feeds remain a positive tool for those individuals to use in taking care of business. The use of a Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed can ultimately offer business owners the opportunity to feed self updating knowledge-based content to your website visitors. Agreements can be worked out with applicable third-party websites that allow content to be updated on your website without your intervention. This third party information can provide industry related news or recent applicable blog entries related to your industry for your site visitors to feast on. In traditional publishing and broadcasting the idea of syndication has been reserved for those who had the most money and the most skilled writer staff. The Internet removes all barriers by allowing anyone with something to say to syndicate their material through RSS. That doesn’t always mean there is an audience for the material, but RSS continues to allow the material to be distributed as widely as interested subscribers make it. The RSS system to publish articles and news over the web is very simple: There are firstly some web pages, one want to be displayed by other websites. This set of pages is the RSS feed. An XML file that defines the RSS feed. This file holds URL, title and summary of each page to display. A person which want to read the feed on its computer. He (she) uses an RSS reader or its browser and just adds the feed with the proper command of its software. Or another website that wants to display the feed. It has to load the RSS file from the provider, to extract URL of pages, and display titles and summaries. This may be performed by a PHP script. When someone visits the website of the receiver, the script is launched, it recalls the RSS file from the provider's website and displays a list of news from extracted data. By a click on a line of the list, visitors display a page from the provider.
Hello thanks for sharing this useful information, actually I aws going to post a question about RSS but suddenly i found this post and find it the best answer for my question, thanks a lot once again
I think RSS feed submission of our websites help us to get good rankings in search engines. If you submit the RSS feed link of your website into some of the RSS feed directories and social bookmarking or networking websites (some of these websites have this option) the updated content is automatically posted on the website and you also get a backlink from the website. So RSS feed submissions will help you to get good rankings as well as good amount of traffic from these websites
RSS also stands for Really simple syndication.RSS is a web feed format,which is used for publishing frequently updated works or data.