Creates a class that acts as a string wrapper similar to Java and C#. Background Php doesn't do types so I created a class to act as a wrapper to provide a faux type for strings The Code The code is designed so that you can create text variables which have there own methods that you can apply on them in a fashion similar to Java or C#. PHP: <?php class Text { private $text; public function __construct($val = null) { if($val != "" || $val != null) { $this->text = $val; } else { $this->text = ""; } } public function equals($val) { return (($this->text == $val) ? true : false); } public function value() { return $this->text; } public function clear() { $this->text = ""; } public function assign($val) { $this->text = $val; } public function length() { $rtn = strlen($this->text); return $rtn; } public function upperCase($type = "all") { $type = strtolower($type); switch($type) { case "first": $this->text = ucfirst($this->text); break; case "words": $this->text = ucwords($this->text); break; case "all": $this->text = strtoupper($this->text); break; default: $this->text = strtoupper($this->text); break; } } public function lowerCase($type = "all") { $type = strtolower($type); switch($type) { case "first": $this->text = lcfirst($this->text); break; case "all": $this->text = strtolower($this->text); break; default: $this->text = strtolower($this->text); break; } } public function reverse($words = TRUE, $sep = ' ') { $tmp; if($words == TRUE) { $tmp = explode($sep, $this->text); $tmp = array_reverse($tmp); $this->text = implode($sep, $tmp); } else if($words == FALSE) { $this->text = strrev($this->text); } else { $this->text = strrev($this->text); } } public function combine($txt) { $this->text = $this->text . $txt; } public function contains($txt) { $p = strpos($this->text,$txt); $rtn = FALSE; if($p === FALSE) { $rtn = FALSE; } else { $rtn = TRUE; } return $rtn; } public function chunk($start,$end) { $rtn = ""; if(!is_numeric($start) && !is_numeric($end)) { $rtn = ""; } else { $rtn = substr($this->text,$start,$end); } return $rtn; } public function replace($searchTxt, $replacement) { $this->text = str_replace($searchTxt, $replacement, $this->text); } public function characters($len = 0) { $rtn; if($len > 0) { $rtn = str_split($this->text,$len); } else { $rtn = str_split($this->text); } return $rtn; } public function slim($chars = null) { if(is_null($chars) || $chars != "") { $this->text = trim($this->text); } else { $this->text = trim($this->text,$chars); } } } ?> References Java and C#