password.class.php PHP: <?php /* * Simple password generator define ('PC_MINUS', 0x01); define ('PC_CAPITAL', 0x02); define ('PC_NUMBERS', 0x04); define ('PC_SPACES', 0x08); define ('PC_EXTENDED', 0x10); class PasswordCreator { /** * Contains the ASCII table representation * * @access private * @var array */ protected $_ascii_table = null; public function __construct() { $this->populateAsciiTable(); } /** * Gets a random password with the specified length and flags * * @param int $length * @param int $flags * @return string */ public function getPassword($length = 16, $flags = PC_MINUS) { /* If there is no length we throw an exception: */ if ($length < 1) throw new Exception ("Password lenght must be at least 1 character lenght"); /* Get the character matrix and its lenght: */ $characters = $this->getPasswordCharacters($flags); $characters_length = count($characters); /* Build the password: */ for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $random = rand(0, $characters_length - 1); $output .= $characters[$random]; } /* Return it: */ return $output; } /** * Gets the final character matrix with the specified flags. * * @param int $flags * @return array */ protected function getPasswordCharacters($flags) { $chars_to_use = array(); if ($flags & PC_MINUS) { $chars_minus = $this->getAsciiRange('a', 'z'); $chars_to_use = array_merge($chars_to_use, $chars_minus); } if ($flags & PC_CAPITAL) { $chars_mayus = $this->getAsciiRange('A', 'Z'); $chars_to_use = array_merge($chars_to_use, $chars_mayus); } if ($flags & PC_NUMBERS) { $chars_numbers = $this->getAsciiRange(48, 57); $chars_to_use = array_merge($chars_to_use, $chars_numbers); } if ($flags & PC_SPACES) { $chars_spaces = $this->getSpaces(); $chars_to_use = array_merge($chars_to_use, $chars_spaces); } if ($flags & PC_EXTENDED) { $chars_ext = $this->getAsciirange(128, 255); $chars_to_use = array_merge($chars_to_use, $chars_ext); } return $chars_to_use; } /** * Gets the ASCII characters between the specified range * * @param int $start First character * @param int $end Last character * @return array */ protected function getAsciiRange($start, $end) { $start = is_numeric($start) ? $start : ord($start); $end = is_numeric($end) ? $end : ord($end); for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) $output[] = $this->_ascii_table[$i]; return $output; } /** * Gets the space characters (tab, newline and space) * * @return array */ protected function getSpaces() { $spaces = array("\t", "\n", " "); foreach ($spaces as $space) $output[] = ord($space); return $output; } /** * Populates the internal ASCII table */ private function populateAsciiTable() { for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) $this->_ascii_table[] = chr($i); } } ?> Usage Example PHP: <?php require_once "password.class.php"; $password = new PasswordCreator(); echo $password->getPassword(64, PC_MINUS)."\n"; echo $password->getPassword(64, PC_MINUS | PC_CAPITAL)."\n"; echo $password->getPassword(64, PC_MINUS | PC_CAPITAL | PC_NUMBERS)."\n"; echo $password->getPassword(64, PC_MINUS | PC_CAPITAL | PC_NUMBERS | PC_SPACES)."\n"; echo $password->getPassword(64, PC_MINUS | PC_CAPITAL | PC_NUMBERS | PC_SPACES | PC_EXTENDED)."\n"; echo "\n"; ?>
I used a html form that has a password field named password and a submit button named submit. When the submit button is clicked the page reloads with the $password variable sent back to the server. Then when php resends the html to the client it includes the appropriate javascript to redirect them to the correct protected page. Code: <?php if($password){ if($password==coach){ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> location=""; </script> <?php }elseif ($password==admin){ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> location=""; </script> <?php }elseif ($password==member){ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> location=""; </script> <?php }elseif ($password==guest){ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> location=""; </script> <?php }else{ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> location=""; </script> <?php } } ?> You see that as many passords as you need can be set up. If there are a large amount of passwords it would be better to set up a select case statement.