In the new era we see considerable advancement in office automation, one ascept of it being document management system. Questys Solutions provide an amazing document management software, it's software can make your office simply paperless. Many businesses have a lot of information to manage, this software also works like a content management software for you. At its simplest, the software acts as an electronic filing cabinet where you can easily scan your paper documents then shred them. Once in the system, you paper is easily searched and retrieved by browsing a folder tree, searching via keywords, or full-text searching (searching every word on every page of the document). In more robust implementations, the software can manage the entire lifecycle of any electronic content (word docs, excel files, autocad drawinf, photoshop, etc.) from creation, through various workflows, to eventual destruction. A document management and content management solution can get your business on track to a better future. Find out more about the document management software solution at the Document management software website.
The electronic document management system is a computer-driven system where custom made software tools are used to capture, process, index, store, retrieve, distribute and dispose of the documents. The documents could be in any paper format, which can be transformed into electronic files. The system does include the capturing of documents through scanning, bar coding and optical character recognition. I have purchased a document management software from It is a Scaleable software, from the smallest application to the largest enterprise. Designed to conform to our needs and business rules,Share documents company wide.Powerful search capabilities yet completely user friendly, very nice software
As for me I use DocumentLite. This system is suitable both for large and for small enterprises. It is convenient to work with documents, as well as for their storage. It is free with open source. All staff members quickly learned to work with this software. You can see this system and decide it suits you or not.
I would suggest you to use ABBYY FlexiCapture. Our company use it for a long time and sutisfied with it. The best thing is that ABBYY is vendor and represented on OCR market for more than 20 years. Here is quotes form their web site ABBYY FlexiCapture 9.0 is supremely intelligent, accurate and scalable data capture and document processing system. It provides a single entry point to automatically transform the stream of different forms and documents of any structure and complexity to usable and accessible data ready to be exported into your business applications and databases. Automated documents classification, indexing and data extraction from any kind of documents Renowned accuracy Optimized performance Flexible workflow Advanced scalability Flexible integration and customization tools Superior usability in both set up and every-day exploitation Remote document capture FlexiCapture accurately extracts data and text from the fields specific for each document type using ABBYY award-winning multi-language recognition technologies. It offers: * OCR for more than 180 languages including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Hebrew; * ICR for hand-printed text for over 110 languages; * Checkmark recognition for a wide spectrum of checkboxes; * Barcode recognition for a variety of 1-d and 2-d barcodes.
Paperless Overnight is a Document Management System, and complete office workflow solution. It is based on the bottom up delegation concept. We require no software or hardware purchase and you can be paperless for as little as .15.
By reducing paper and waste at the office, you've just done your part to save the environment. Going paperless should also help you boost your bottom line. Make sure you tout your efforts to reduce waste in your marketing and PR campaigns, and celebrate your successes with employees. Encourage them to share any ideas they have on how to be even more efficient.