I totally agree; it can help when the site is already working fine but until that it is all around backlinks!
This is really nice sharing from you.. its have great information about SEO and very useful to everyone. I really enjoy it. Thanks you for sharing such useful link.
Its very important to get more traffics on website as that would help in getting higher rank in search result. Here are some best and useful ways to increase the traffics 1. Yahoo! Answer 2. Social Bookmarking 3. Squidoo 4. Guest Blogging 5. Forum Posting 6. Twitter 7. Facebook 8. Blog Commenting 9. Article Marketing 10. Link Bait
Showing up on search engines is one of the most critical ways to increase website traffic and expose your content, product or service to people who might be interested in what you have to offer.You must follow these rules enable to improve your site. 1. Research the keywords, display links on your site. 2. Focus on the end user.3. Make sure that all the pages of the site have custom titles and descriptions 4. Create a site map that tells people where everything is on your site. 5.Build up your popularity and good quality content. You should think out of the box, don't focus on your keywords only. You should have marketing strategy in order to increase traffic in your site. Hope it helps.
Thanks for this usefull and informative thread, this seems to be helpfull to all the users here throughout.
Improve your ranking on search engine by involve all on page and off page seo techniques. not only on page optimization, both are important for get good search engine ranking.