Hangman game source code for you.============ ----HANGMAN---- ============ Code: #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char word[30],getit[30],*found; int score,loop,len,num,lup,om,luptimes,times,fitimes,ondtimes,antimes; luptimes=0; fitimes=0; ondtimes=0; clrscr(); printf("\n ENTER THE WORD: "); gets(word); score=0; num=0; om=0; len=strlen(word); clrscr(); char gname[70]; printf("\n ENTER YOUR NAME: "); scanf("%s",gname); char h; printf("\n LET's START: "); h='_'; printf("\n LOOK HERE: "); for(loop=0;loop!=len;loop++) { printf("\n %c ",h); } for(loop=0;loop!=len;loop++) { om=1; num=num+1; fitimes=0; ondtimes=0; printf("\n\n %d LETTER",num); scanf("%s",&getit[num]); found=strchr(word,getit[num]); if(found) { for(luptimes=0;antimes=1;luptimes!=len;luptimes++,antimes++) { if(getit[num]==word[luptimes]) { fitimes++; } else { fitimes=fitimes; } } for(luptimes=num;luptimes!=0;luptimes--) { if(getit[num]==getit[luptimes]) { ondtimes++; } else { ondtimes=ondtimes; } } if(fitimes>=ondtimes) { score=score+1; printf("\n OK\n"); for(lup=0;getit[num]!=word[lup];lup++) { om++; } printf("\n POSITION: %d\n",om); printf("\n ===================\n"); } else { score=score; printf("\n NOT AGAIN!\n"); } } else { score=score; printf("\n NO\n"); } } printf("\n THE WORD IS '%s'\n"word); printf("\n YOUR SCORE IS %d OUT OF %d",score,len); getch(); return 0; }
Yup its a good one I must say. Not more people are replying or commenting probably because of lack of some explanation / introductory para.
9 Errors and 5 Warnings!! Whats this?! How come u n Shabbir r sayin that its workin .... in my Borland Compiler its showing 9 Errors & 5 Warnings .... some of the errors dont even require a compiler - they r glaring sytax errors .... or mebbe I am wrong - mebbe I am using the wrong compiler .... pls do clarify and elaborate in this regard. Thx. Ciao, Rajiv
What I meant good is from code point of view and I never compiled it. Yup it has some syntax errors and here is the rectification Code: #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { char word[30],getit[30],*found; int score,loop,len,num,lup,om,luptimes,fitimes,ondtimes,antimes; luptimes=0; fitimes=0; ondtimes=0; printf("\n ENTER THE WORD: "); gets(word); score=0; num=0; om=0; len=strlen(word); char gname[70]; printf("\n ENTER YOUR NAME: "); scanf("%s",gname); char h; printf("\n LET's START: "); h='_'; printf("\n LOOK HERE: "); for(loop=0;loop!=len;loop++) { printf("\n %c ",h); } for(loop=0;loop!=len;loop++) { om=1; num=num+1; fitimes=0; ondtimes=0; printf("\n\n %d LETTER",num); scanf("%s",&getit[num]); found=strchr(word,getit[num]); if(found) { for(luptimes=0,antimes=1;luptimes!=len;luptimes++,antimes++) { if(getit[num]==word[luptimes]) { fitimes++; } else { fitimes=fitimes; } } for(luptimes=num;luptimes!=0;luptimes--) { if(getit[num]==getit[luptimes]) { ondtimes++; } else { ondtimes=ondtimes; } } if(fitimes>=ondtimes) { score=score+1; printf("\n OK\n"); for(lup=0;getit[num]!=word[lup];lup++) { om++; } printf("\n POSITION: %d\n",om); printf("\n ===================\n"); } else { score=score; printf("\n NOT AGAIN!\n"); } } else { score=score; printf("\n NO\n"); } } printf("\n THE WORD IS '%s'\n",word); printf("\n YOUR SCORE IS %d OUT OF %d",score,len); getch(); return 0; }
3 Errors still remain! There is still an error - the spacing between "ondtime" and "s". Rectify that and the code compiles without errors but with 4 warnings - all of "variable assigned a value but never used" .... But it does work in the way I think it should. Ciao, Rajiv
The space problem is actually the problem in the algo of parsing the code and not with the actual code. If you have a line greater than n it will insert a space in between. Normally that thing does not happen and in normal circumstances you dont have chars after chars without a space.
Hi I am doing a research project on a hangman program for C++ and i stumbled across this, I was wondering if someone could explain the different variables to me. I did not fully understand this. I am still in the entry levels of programming and I need to learn what variable does what for my class. int score,loop,len,num,lup,om,luptimes,fitimes,ondtimes,antimes; thanks
Hello i am Knew to the forum and I am trying to write a hangman game for 2 players. I want to begin with a menu of 3 choices. New game, high scores and exit. If the player press the first, the game will start and ask for the “Word” .After that will scan the word. It will ask for how many wrong letters can the other player write. As a default will have 7. Every time it will ask for given word or letter. With an algorithm will compute the high scores.It Will store the names and the scores to a file if the player choose to see the high scores with the second option . Can anyone help me how to do that. Thanks!
For a beginner, any program that runs correctly is great. But to learn proper style you need to study how good programs are written. Good style consists of such things as: * dividing a program up into subroutines (functions in C) * not using more variables than you absolutely have to * giving your variables informative names so readers don't have to figure out what they're for. * comments are also useful, especially for non-trivial things (don't just say what a simple line of code does in English, that's just for textbook examples). Also, some ascii graphics couldn't hurt! Code: ______ | | | O | /-\ | | | /-\
you should explain some thing about your program. you should use some comment to explain you program working.
Hi guys ,I have just done my C# hangman program.If somebody needs that send me an e-mail.Thanks Erolaktekin@hotmail.com