This Code let you take a image search on Google easily and user-friendly. You can pre-specify image properties: image name or caption, size and dimension rank of image. Code Here: PHP: <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['count']=0; ?> <link href="../../client/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <center> <h2>Google Image Leecher</h2> Coder: <b>o0DarkEvil0o</b> <form action="./" method="POST"> <table width="600"> <tr> <td width="400" align="center"> Search For </td> <td width="100" align="center"> Max width </td> <td width="100" align="center"> Max height </td> <td width="100" align="center"> Min width </td> <td width="100" align="center"> Min height </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="400"> <input type="text" maxlength="40" size="40" name="res" value="<? echo $_POST['res'];?>"> </td> <td width="100"> <input type="text" maxlength="5" size="10" name="mxw" value="<? echo $_POST['mxw'];?>"> </td> <td width="100"> <input type="text" maxlength="5" size="10" name="mxh" value="<? echo $_POST['mxh'];?>"> </td> <td width="100"> <input type="text" maxlength="5" size="10" name="mnw" value="<? echo $_POST['mnw'];?>"> </td> <td width="100"> <input type="text" maxlength="5" size="10" name="mnh" value="<? echo $_POST['mnh'];?>"> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="Leech Now"> </form> <hr width="600"> <table width="900"> <tr> <td width="700" align="center"><b>Image Link</b></td> <td width="100" align="left"><b>Dimesion</b></td> <td width="100" align="left"><b>Image Size</b></td> </tr> <? ini_set('max_execution_time',0); ini_set('time_limit',0); ini_set('memory_limit',-1); $linkarr=array ( '', '&imgsz=medium|large|xlarge&ndsp=20&svnum=100&hl=en&start=', '&sa=N' ); $searcharr=array ( 'dyn.Img(', ');dyn.updateStatus();//-->' ); $s2=array('<span id=maxLimit>','</span>'); function getResult($str,$hash) { $p=array(); $p[0]=strpos($str,$hash[0]); $p[1]=strpos($str,$hash[1],$p[0]); return substr($str,$p[0],$p[1]-$p[0]); } function CutLink($Link, $Count) { if($Link=='')return 'Truy Cập trực tiếp'; if(substr($Link,0,7)!='http://')$Link='http://'.$Link; $Link=str_replace('index.php','', $Link); $Len=strlen($Link); $Link1=$Link; if($Len>$Count)$Link1= substr($Link, 0, $Count-3).'...'; return '<a href="'.$Link.'" target="_blank" '.$style.' onmouseover="Tip(\''.$Link.'\')">'.$Link1.'</a>'; } function Dr_Row($link, $dimesion, $size) { $str ='<tr>'; $str.='<td align="left"><a href="'.$link.'">'.CutLink($link, 100).'</a></td>'; $str.='<td>'.$dimesion.'</td>'; $str.='<td>'.$size.'</td>'; $str.='</tr>'; return $str; } $searchstring=$_POST['res']; iF($searchstring=='')die(); ?> <div align="center" id="status">Leeching <b>[<?=$searchstring;?>]</b>...</div> <? $searchstring=str_replace(' ','+',$searchstring); for($k=0;$k<10000;$k++) { $link=$linkarr[0].$searchstring.$linkarr[1].($k*20).$linkarr[2]; $content=file_get_contents($link); $maxres=strip_tags(getResult($content,$s2)); $maxres=str_replace(',','',$maxres); $maxres=intval($maxres); if($maxres/20<$k) die('<script>document.getElementById(\'status\').innerHTML=\'Done, '.$_SESSION['count'].' images is detected!\';</script>'); $arr=split('dyn.Img',getResult($content,$searcharr)); $chuoi=array(); $mxw=intval($_POST['mxw']); $mxh=intval($_POST['mxh']); if($mxw==0)$mxw=100000; if($mxh==0)$mxh=100000; $mnw=intval($_POST['mnw']); $mnh=intval($_POST['mnh']); foreach ($arr as $t) { $chandoi=split('","',$t); $size=split(' - ',$chandoi[9]); $dimension=split(' x ',$size[0]); $w=intval($dimension[0]); $h=intval($dimension[1]); $sizes=intval($size[1]); if( ($w <= $mxw) && ($w >= $mnw) && ($h <= $mxh) && ($h >=$mnh) && ($chandoi[3]!='') ) { echo Dr_Row($chandoi[3], $size[0],$size[1]); $_SESSION['count']++; } } } ?> <script> document.getElementById('status').innerHTML='Done, <? echo $_SESSION['count'].' of '.$maxres; ?> images is detected!'; </script> </table> </center> Demo Here:
Its better to have the thumbnails as result display when searching for images so that I don't need to click on each of them to see it.
Hi Shabbir, I copied the php file, uploade it to the server. There I do what is needed just as with the demosite, but alas. I added some code of my own to the php file, which doesn't affect it (when I remove this it still doesn't work). Take a look here: The original inputfield is empty, the one below it contains a name. Then click on ZOEK After this there are no results shown, merely the main page (index.php) BR Sunadumari
thank you very much. i like the service by google. I can also suggest you scripts site, there are some discussion at google image. you can have a look at it.