Implementation os some some elementary operations like insert, delete, search on doubly circular linked list. Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define N 100 struct dclinklist { struct dclinklist *prev; /** Stores address of previous node **/ int roll_no; /** stores roll number **/ char name[N]; /** stores Name **/ float marks; /** stores Marks **/ struct dclinklist *next; /** stores address of next node **/ }; /** Redefining dclinklist as node **/ typedef struct dclinklist node; void init(node*); /** Input function **/ void ins_aft(node*); /** Function inserting before **/ node* ins_bef(node*); /** Function inserting after **/ node* del(node*); /** Function deleting a node **/ void search(node*); /** Function for searching node **/ void disp(node*); /** Function for displaying node **/ void rollsrch(node*); /** Function for searching node by roll number **/ void namesrch(node*); /** Function for searching node by name **/ void marksrch(node*); /** Function for searching node by marks **/ /*** Main Function ***/ void main() { node *head; char ch; /* Choice inputing varible */ int opt; /* Option inputing variable*/ static int flag=0; /* Unchanged after iniialization */ clrscr(); head=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); head->next=NULL; /* NULL is being over written in init function */ head->prev=NULL; do { again: printf("\nEnter your option\n"); printf("\n1. Initialize the node\n"); printf("\n2. Insert before a specified node\n"); printf("\n3. Insert after a specified node\n"); printf("\n4. Delete a particular node\n"); printf("\n5. Search the nodes\n"); printf("\n6. Display all the nodes\n"); scanf("%d",&opt); if(flag==0 && opt!=1) { printf("\nNo. You must first initialize at least one node\n"); goto again; } if(flag==1 && opt==1) { printf("\nInitialisation can occur only once.\n"); printf("\nNow you can insert a node\n"); goto again; } if(opt==4 && head->next==head) { printf("\nYou cannot delete the one and only the single node\n"); goto again; } if(flag==0 && opt==1) flag=1; switch(opt) { case 1: init(head); break; case 2: head=ins_bef(head); break; case 3: ins_aft(head); break; case 4: head=del(head); break; case 5: search(head); break; case 6: disp(head); break; } printf("\nDo you wish to continue[y/n]\n"); ch=(char)getche(); }while(ch=='Y' || ch=='y'); printf("\nDone by \"SHABBIR\"\n"); printf("\nPress any key to exit\n"); getch(); } /*** Function for inputing data ***/ void init(node *start) { start->prev=start; printf("\nEnter Roll number\n"); scanf("%d",&start->roll_no); printf("\nEnter the name\n"); fflush(stdin); gets(start->name); printf("\nEnter the marks\n"); scanf("%f",&start->marks); start->next=start; } /*** Function for inserting a node after a specified node ***/ void ins_aft(node *start) { int rno; /* Roll number for inserting a node */ int flag=0; node *newnode; /* New inputed node*/ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ newnode=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\nEnter the roll number after which you want to insert a node\n"); scanf("%d",&rno); init(newnode); current=start; while(current->next!=start) { /*** Insertion checking for all nodes except last ***/ if(current->roll_no==rno) { newnode->next=current->next; current->next->prev=newnode; current->next=newnode; newnode->prev=current; flag=1; } current=current->next; } if(flag==0 && current->next==start && current->roll_no==rno) { /*** Insertion checking for last node ***/ newnode->next=current->next; /* Start is being copied */ current->next->prev=newnode; current->next=newnode; newnode->prev=current; flag=1; } if(flag==0 && current->next==NULL) printf("\nNo match found\n"); } /*** Function for inserting a node before a specified node ***/ node* ins_bef(node *start) { int rno; /* Roll number for inserting a node*/ node *newnode; /* New inputed node */ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ newnode=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\nEnter the roll number before which you want to insert a node\n"); scanf("%d",&rno); init(newnode); current=start; if(current->roll_no==rno) { /*** Insertion checking for first node ***/ newnode->next=current; current->prev=newnode; while(current->next!=start) current=current->next; newnode->prev=current; current->next=newnode; start=newnode; return(start); } while(current->next!=start) { /*** Insertion checking for all node except first ***/ if(current->next->roll_no==rno) { newnode->next=current->next; current->next->prev=newnode; current->next=newnode; newnode->prev=current; return(start); } current=current->next; } /* If the function does not return from any return statement. There is no match to insert before the input roll number. */ printf("\nMatch not found\n"); return(start); } /*** Function for deleting a specified node ***/ node* del(node *start) { int rno; /* Roll number for deleting a node*/ node *delnode; /* Node to be deleted */ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ printf("\nEnter the roll number whose node you want to delete\n"); scanf("%d",&rno); current=start; if(current->roll_no==rno) { /*** Checking condition for deletion of first node ***/ delnode=current; /* Unnecessary step */ while(current->next!=start) current=current->next; current->next=start->next; start->next->prev=current; start=start->next; free(delnode); return(start); } else { while(current->next->next!=start) { /*** Checking condition for deletion of ***/ /*** all nodes except first and last node ***/ if(current->next->roll_no==rno) { delnode=current->next; current->next=current->next->next; current->next->prev=current; free(delnode); return(start); } current=current->next; } if(current->next->next==start && current->next->roll_no==rno) { /*** Checking condition for deletion of last node ***/ delnode=current->next; free(delnode); current->next=start; return(start); } } printf("\nMatch not found\n"); return(start); } /*** Function for searching a node ***/ void search(node *start) { int ch; /* Choice inputing variable */ printf("\nEnter the criteria for search\n"); printf("\n1. Roll number\n"); printf("\n2. Name\n"); printf("\n3. Marks\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: rollsrch(start); break; case 2: namesrch(start); break; case 3: marksrch(start); break; default: rollsrch(start); } } /*** Function for searching a specified roll number ***/ void rollsrch(node *start) { int rno; /* Roll-number to be searched */ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ printf("\nEnter the roll number to search\n"); scanf("%d",&rno); current=start; while(current->next!=start) { if(current->roll_no==rno) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); current=current->next; } if(current->next==start && current->roll_no==rno) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); } /*** Function for searching a specified name ***/ void namesrch(node *start) { char arr[20]; /* Name to be searched*/ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ printf("\nEnter the name to search\n"); fflush(stdin); gets(arr); current=start; while(current->next!=start) { if(strcmp(current->name,arr)==NULL) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); current=current->next; } if(current->next==start && strcmp(current->name,arr)==NULL) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); } /*** Function for searching a specified marks ***/ void marksrch(node *start) { float marks; /* Marks to be searched */ node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ printf("\nEnter the marks to search\n"); scanf("%f",&marks); current=start; while(current->next!=start) { if(current->marks==marks) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); current=current->next; } if(current->next==start && current->marks==marks) printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); } /*** Function for displaying the linked list ***/ void disp(node *start) { node *current; /* Node for travelling the linked list*/ current=start; while(current->next!=start) { printf("\n %d %s %f",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); current=current->next; } printf("\n %d %s %f",current->roll_no,current->name,current->marks); }
I'm a Btech final year student, this code is definitely a good one however I find a better one here let me know your opinion.
hello, this is very easy to understand and useful for beginners. I am beginner in c++. I understood it easily. That is very help full for me.
this is a nice and easy code even for me who i am very new person in this stuff. I have a question about the function clrscr() , what is this function doing ?? Please help me
It clears the screen and IMHO compiler specific code like that shouldn't be in generic code examples. So you haven't worked out how to use copy and paste yet then? Select some text with your mouse (press the left button, drag, release), press Ctrl-C, start Notepad then press Ctrl-V.
i am beginner in c++. i request all of to help me, i think it is really difficult, but anyhow i want to learn it. so please i request to guide me thanks,