I use a query to get results by the distribution's movies per year and all corresponding critics to each of them too the query Code: SELECT CONCAT('<a href="./index.php/searchid?ID_films=', `mt_films`.`ID_films`, '">', `mt_films`.`Title1`, '</a>') AS `Title`, `mt_films`.`ID_films` AS `ID_films`, `mt_films`.`distributor` AS `distributor`, CASE WHEN `mt_films`.`poster` = '-1' THEN CONCAT(`mt_films`.`ID_films`, '.jpg') ELSE CONCAT('000', '.jpg') END AS `photo`, `t_country`.`country` AS `country`, DATE_FORMAT(`mt_films`.`date_out`, '%d/%m/%Y') AS `date_out`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT '<a href="./index.php/people?ID_person=', `t_people`.`ID_person`, '">', `t_people`.`person`, '</a>' SEPARATOR ', ') AS `director`, CONCAT('(', CONVERT( COALESCE(`mt_films`.`product_year`, '') USING UTF8), ' ', COALESCE(`mt_films`.`format`, ''), ' ', CONVERT( COALESCE(`mt_films`.`duration`, '') USING UTF8), '\')') AS `id` FROM (((`t_country` JOIN (`t_people` JOIN (`mt_films` JOIN `st_peoplefilms` ON (`mt_films`.`ID_films` = `st_peoplefilms`.`ID_films`)) ON (`t_people`.`ID_person` = `st_peoplefilms`.`ID_person`)) ON (`t_country`.`ID_country` = `mt_films`.`id_country`)) LEFT JOIN `st_critics` ON (`mt_films`.`ID_films` = `st_critics`.`ID_Films`)) LEFT JOIN `t_film_critic` ON (`t_film_critic`.`ID_name` = `st_critics`.`ID_name`)) WHERE `mt_films`.`date_out` LIKE '%2021%' AND `st_peoplefilms`.`ID_idiotita` = 1 AND `mt_films`.`reissue` = 0 AND `mt_films`.`poll` = 2 GROUP BY `mt_films`.`Title1` ORDER BY `mt_films`.`date_out` , `mt_films`.`Title1` till here everything works perfect sorting all titles alphabetically by distribution date But when I add Code: case when `t_film_critic`.`film_critic` is not null then concat('Read critics by ', group_concat(distinct '<a href="./index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=', `st_critics`.`code_critics`, '"','>\n{modal article="', `st_critics`.`code_critics`, '" title="',`mt_films`.`Title1`,' <br> Critic by: ', `t_film_critic`.`name`,'" width="750" }', `t_film_critic`.`name`,' {/modal}\n</a>' order by `t_film_critic`.`name` ASC separator ', ')) else 'There is no available critic yet' end AS `film_critic`, It works but without date sorting Could you please help to find a solution?