If Else Conditional Statements in C?

Discussion in 'C' started by lionaneesh, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. lionaneesh

    lionaneesh Active Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Conditional Statements (also called Conditions) are features of a programming language , Which allows it to perform actions depending upon some conditions provided by the programmer , This provides a “ DECIDING” functionality to a computer program and allows for flexible and easy code development.

    Conditions are one of the most fundamental features of a C Program , You’ll see them In almost every useful C code.

    In C the conditional statements generally follows the if - else if - else constructs

    if(condition is true)
                do something;
    else if(condition2 is true)
              do something;
                do something;

    The ‘if’ statement

    The if statement in C is quite similar to the ‘if’ statement in English , Consider the following examples :-

    “If I am not tired I will surely go to work”
    “if tomorrow is a holiday I will go to Mc Donald’s”

    In the above statements we have a condition and on the basis of that condition we have a task associated with it, if the person is not tired he will surely go to work. Now let’s break this statement.

    Condition : ‘if the person is not tired’
    Task: He’ll go to work

    An if statement in C is generally in the following form:-
    if(condition is true)
                do something;
    Between ‘(‘ and ‘)’ can be any valid C condition , and based on which the appropriate decision is taken.

    The ‘Else if’ statement

    The ‘else if’ statement in C is generally used when we need to compare more than one condition

    The else if statement is generally used in following form :-
    if(condition is true)
                do something;
        [COLOR="Red"]else if(condition2 is true)
                do something;
    The else if block is executed if :-
    1. All the preceding conditions failed and
    2. The condition provided is true

    The Else Statement

    The else statement in C is generally in the following form
    	Do something;
    The else block is executed if the all the preceding conditions returned false.

    That’s all for this tutorial stay tuned for more.

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