Command Prompt command history on Windows XP

Discussion in 'Windows' started by pradeep, May 12, 2007.

  1. pradeep

    pradeep Team Leader

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    If you often work from Windows XP's command prompt, chances are you know that you can cycle through a list of all the commands that you've typed in a particular session using the up and down arrows on your keyboard. You can also change the size of this history list by clicking the command button in the upper left corner, selecting the Properties command and and then changing the buffer size number on the Options tab under Command History.

    Particularly, if you mostly work on *nix system, you would surely miss the history command on Windows.

    By default, the buffer size is set to 50, which means that the command history can potentially contain a lot of commands, making it difficult to cycle through all the commands that you've typed by using the up and down arrows on your keyboard. Fortunately, there's an easier way.

    At the command prompt, enter the following command:
     DOSKEY /history
    When you do so, you'll see a full listing of all the commands that you've entered in a current session.

    Note: This tip applies to both Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional.

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