Many programs use the STDOUT to produce some normal output and the STDERR to show the errors. I'm actually working with the g++ that do this and a question appeared. Wouldn't be nice to see it with different colors? Code: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Select; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); $|++; my $pid; eval { $pid=open3(*WRITE, *READ, *ERROR, @ARGV); }; if (!$pid) { # if we get here, the fork succeeded, but the exec (likely) failed... my $err = $@ ? $@ : "unknown error"; # exit child in any case die "Error: Could not execute: $err"; } else { close(*WRITE); my $selector=IO::Select->new(); $selector->add(*READ, *ERROR); while(my @ready=$selector->can_read()) { foreach my $fh (@ready) { my $count = sysread($fh, my $text, 1024); $selector->remove($fh) if not $count; if(fileno($fh)==fileno(*READ)) { print($text); } elsif(fileno($fh)==fileno(*ERROR)) { print(RED, $text, RESET); } } } } way of use Code: colorize g++ file.cpp Useful modules. use IPC::Open3; : allow to run shell commands and get the STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR. use IO::Select; : check if a handler has something to be read. use Term::ANSIColor qwconstants); : helps to do the colorize.
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