Clean uo ur system TEMP, RECENT, HISTORY, TEMPRORY INTERNET FILES, & PREFETCH files Via a simple Batch File Copy This Coading To Notepad And save it as Cleanup.bat Please Note ALWAYS RUN THIS FILE FROM SYSTEM DESKTOP Code: @echo Off @Title Ghost Nt Cleaning System File @ @cd\ @ Echo. Cleaning Prefetch Files @cd %windir%\prefetch @del /s /q *.* |echo. >nul @cd\ Echo. Cleaning Temprory Files @cd %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files @del /f /s /q /a s *.* |echo. >nul @cd.. @rd /s /q Temp |echo. >nul @rd /s /q History |echo. >nul @@MD Temp @cd\ @del /s /q *.tmp @ @cd %USERPROFILE%\Recent @del /s /q *.* |echo. >nul Echo. Please Wait More For Last Cleanup @del /s /q *.chk |echo. >nul @ Echo. Cleanup Sucessfull
thats a good one.. well man. can u tell how to hide(asking for code) *.bat file and how to send hided *.bat file to the fren...?
if you can get it on a machine you can add it to the registry or to the start menu and then right click the batch file and check hidden. But if you send it through email it will most likely be blocked and never reach your target .