Many webmasters when they create new websites they tend to do it for the sole purpose of making great money and they assume this can be done by just applying for any ad network and specially Google adsense and then see that no good revenue is coming from the ads and then they tend to click there own ads and most of the time there adsense account gets canceled. Many user even all into the trap and they have never done such invalid clicks but are banned for similar reason. What next. This article provides you some insight about what are the other ad networks available and shows you the pros and cons of each of them. This article will also guide you in regard of your advertising campaign and which one is preferable depending on your audience and user base requirements. I have no personal experience with each of them but at least some of them and if you would like to share your views and experience I will be more than happy. • Yahoo YPN Yahoo in competition with Google has launched its new ad service called yahoo publisher and biggest disadvantage of it as of now is it’s only for persons having valid SSN no. They are planning to be going it for the others as well but for the time being its only for USA guys only. • Clicksor Clicksor is one of the best for your website after adsense and YPN with its unique feature of text links which has a very good click through ratios. They mentioned on there site that they pay 70% of the profit share from your site which is increased to 85% for the webmasters you refer directly. But the referral scheme is not very attractive like Google adsense but it has very short earning. • Intellitxt Vibrant Media’s IntelliTxt is one of the most impressive ad networks for webmasters as it has very unique features of converting the text of the output into a special link which displays advertiser’s message when the user moves the mouse over the advertising link and if you have good content rich site this one is the best for you. The other advantage of it is being it does not occupy any space on the pages. The only disadvantage as I see is it converts the words/phrases of the text into ads and so you may loose some potential users(though increasing the click through). The best way to go about it is show these ads to your members and not to guests. • TargetPoint They have quite a few options for you as a webmasters like AdPoint, ExitPoint, ImagePoint, UnderPoint. AdPoint displays ads relevant to the content of the page. ExitPoint displays ads to the exit traffic and UnderPoint is something similar to the Popunder both of which are annoying to the users who are leaving/visited the site especially to me when something comes up to a foreign window when I am looking for something in the other window. ImagePoint as they say is very unique in its own kind but I don’t find anything unique about it as it just displays instead of text a banner to the user relevant to the content of the text. • Adbrite This is new concept of advertising where you put the adbrite code on your site and if anyone signs up to advertise on your site you get the ads. Though it does not sound very attractive the rates look quite attractive but it’s you who should be sending the webmasters to the adbrite to maintain your advertising space. • Chitika Chitika has one great thing and it is the looks of the ads. It’s unique and has a very good tabbed browsing effect for the ads that are displayed. Other than that what I have experienced is they have a very low CPC probably because mostly the ads are from amazon or from ebay affiliates. • BidClix BidClix did not impress me at all for a simple reason that they have suggested on there site which means either there ads are not targeted (which would cause Google adsense to be banned) or they are unable to compete in this market. The next thing which I thought was not very impressive is they have suggested is FEO targeting is not very good but I think to get good quality advertisers you should always have this option. [Screen shot attached] • Fastclick text ads Fastclick is one of the leading ad network in the field of CPM network but it has launched a new product of text link but the disadvantage of being its not very targeted and so you don’t have a very good click through ratio. • Bidvertiser Nothing special about the CPC advertising on Bidvertiser but what is attractive to it is it has very low minimum amount payable and they pay through paypal and minimum payout amount is $10. As you can be seeing after going through the review of so many ad network now it’s becoming more and more predictable as to what will be the review of the next ad network and so I will not be doing all with myself and leave something for you to invent. I provide some list of ad network and its up to you to invent if anyone of them best fit for your requirements. • AllFeeds • Adhearus • AffiliateSensor • Veoda • RevenuePilot • Kanoodle • Enhance Interactive • Quigo • Nixxie • InfoGrabber • Mirago (coming soon...) • Miva (FindWhat/Espotting) • SearchFeed • AdEngage • BannerBoxes • ContextWeb • CBProSense • ClicksAdsDirect • Adgenta • ExpoActive
Well, if you want to try someting else (not text ads) you can try the Product Ads at Click Share. They pay well.
Great Article. Here are my comments: 1. I've used clicksor before... got paid $0. 2. Bidvertiser is OK but the ads did not relate to my content at all. I've only earned $30 within 2 months so I switched over to adsense.
I have another good ad company. It is Oxado. Oxado has ggo types of ads because they rotate every two seconds giving the user/member who is viewing your site more chances to find an ad that interests him. Also it has a really good administration area which is securer than some ad publishing companys. I would recommend Oxado if you have been banned from adsense. The url is Its worth giving them a try.
Probably oxado does not have advertisers because if you search for web hosting or seo in oxado it shows no advertisers found and web hosting / SEO is one of the most competitive term available
Yes but they have lots of insurance and loan ads which are a couple of the most high paying key words on any advertising network. These ads are where most webmasters get their highest paying hits.
There is because i have them on my site and its a good payout rate. And there are lots of them because the ads rotate about 4 times. So that is four different loans on my website displaying Oxado ads.
Beware that it might be allowed in there TOS but adsense TOS does not allow you to have any other ads and can even get you banned.
I agree there are many alternatives to Adsense, but only one earns revenue on all of your website visitors, not just the ones that click an ad.
Thanks Shabbir I really need this article and at the end find it here, thanks for sharing this information
It is a good article. I would like to try all of these alternatives. Does they have more earnings as adsense.
I run a dating site for boomers~ I also want find marketing partners. If you are interested, please let me know, this is Chris ,
There is no one here who can help you in finding marketing partners. You need to visit the sites and apply it yourself.
I personally feel that adsense is still betterthan all of the other options. The features added to adsense are for the security of everyone einvolved. The advertisers dot get to pay for false clicks and the publihers cant take advantage because the ratio between gfoogle's earnings and google'spayment to the publisher is drastically in the favor of google. So still adsense is ok. Try to concentrate on improving website
Adsense is the a pain in the *** literally. They have too many rules and they won't send me my pin number. I have hear many complaints actually about adsense online so I am wondering if there is a good alternative. I would consider yahoo publisher but that isn't really what I want either I am trying bidvertiser which I got today and I haven't gotten any bids yet. How long does it take? Has anyone had any good experience personally with other ad programs?
If you have an adsense account be careful not to cross the limits and lose your earnings. For me the top alternatives to google adsense are YPN, AdBrite and MIVA.