Hey guys. I am sure, once again, that most of you probably know this MS-DOS hack, but I am going to show you anyway. First, you need to read my previous post here Once you have done that you need to open the command prompt. In the screen you just type "net user {made up username} /ADD". Put the user you want to add {here}. That is all you have to do! You can also delete users this way by typing "/DELETE" instead of "/ADD". There you go, and easier tutorial for you. Well I am going to keep posting and keep reading :nice: . See Ya Weeners Lata :crazy: ! -3xistanc3
This technique will give you the equivalent of a limited account, but, soon I will give a tutorial on how to make this into a administrator account. Stay Tuned, -3xistanc3
mmmmmmmm i tried but FAIL :nonod: FOLLOWING MESSAGE displaying ------------------------------------------- System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. ---------------------------------------------
Well i understand that this is an old thread but still i will complete it You will never add an user to the system using 'default way' still if i remember good commands for these userads are : 1- check if you are in admin localgroup Code: net localgroup Administrators If you are listed there you are good to go. Code: net users fakeadmin 123456 /ADD make fakeadmin ... admin Code: net localgroup Administrators fakeadmin /add Check localgroup again to see if you are there
\To avoid Access is denied. error, right click on cmd and choose 'run as administrator' option this will help u :pleased: