Adding & Deleting Users & Groups through a batch file. Copy Code On Notepad And save as Users & Group.bat Code: @cd\ @echo Off @title User and Groups Scripts For XP And 2003 @color 2f :Abo @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt The_Maker Adding, Deleting And Listing User Script :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- @echo. :Menu @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. Press u To Add or delete User @echo. Press g To Add or delete Groups @echo. Press l To List Users and Groups @echo. Press h For Help Menu @echo. Press q To Quit @echo. @echo. "" use only small letter "" @echo. :Mainch @echo. @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter your choice : if "%us%" == "u" goto AU if "%us%" == "g" goto AG if "%us%" == "l" goto LU if "%us%" == "h" goto HP if "%us%" == "q" goto END Goto :Mainch :AU @cls :Menu2 @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Adding and Deleting User Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. Press 1 To Add User @echo. Press 2 To Delete User @echo. Press 3 To Main Menu @echo. Press q To Quit @echo. @echo. "" use only small letter "" @echo. :Main2 @echo. @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter your choice : if "%us%" == "1" goto AU2 if "%us%" == "2" goto DU if "%us%" == "3" goto Men if "%us%" == "q" goto end Goto :Main2 :AU2 @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Adding User Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. set /p User= Enter User's Name : @echo. set /p Passd= Enter User's Password : @echo. @net localgroup @echo. @echo.====================== USER GROUP IS MUST ========================== @echo. @echo Enter Group Names Are Listed Above Type The Name Of Group In Group Info @echo. @echo Please Write Group Name With First Word Capital As Shown Without "*" @echo. @echo. set /p Group= Enter Group name For User : @echo. @echo. @cls @echo. @echo. @echo Entered User's Name :: %User% @echo. @echo Entered Password :: %Passd% @echo. @Echo Entered User Groups :: %Group% @echo. @echo. @echo Press y to Continue @echo Press n to Reenter Inormation @echo Press m to Main Menu @echo Press q to Exit @echo. @echo. :men2 @echo. :: "Is The Entered Information Is Correct" :: @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter Your Choice :: if "%us%" == "y" goto Add if "%us%" == "n" goto AU2 if "%us%" == "m" goto AU if "%us%" == "q" goto end goto :men2 :Add @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @Net user %User% %Passd% /add && net localgroup %Group% Pause Goto :Men @echo Off :DU @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Delete User Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. @net user @echo. @echo. @echo. set /p user= :: Enter UserName To Delete : @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @Echo. User Selected To Delete %User% :men3 @echo. @echo. @echo Press y to Continue @echo Press n to Reenter Inormation @echo Press m to Main Menu @echo Press q to Exit @echo. @echo. @echo. :: "Is The Entered Information Is Correct" :: @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter Your Choice :: if "%us%" == "y" goto Del if "%us%" == "n" goto DU if "%us%" == "m" goto AU if "%us%" == "q" goto end goto :men3 :Del @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @Net user %User% /delete Pause Goto :Men :AG @cls :Menu4 @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Adding and Deleting Group Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. Press 1 To Add Group @echo. Press 2 To Delete Group @echo. Press 3 To Main Menu @echo. Press q To Quit @echo. @echo. @echo. :Main2 @echo. @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter your choice : if "%us%" == "1" goto AG2 if "%us%" == "2" goto DG if "%us%" == "3" goto Men if "%us%" == "q" goto end Goto :Main2 :AG2 @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Adding Group Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. set /p Group= Enter Group Name Name : @echo. @echo. @echo. @cls @echo. @echo. @echo Entered Group Name :: %Group% @echo. @echo. @echo Press y to Continue @echo Press n to Reenter Inormation @echo Press m to Main Menu @echo Press q to Exit @echo. @echo. :men2 @echo. :: "Is The Entered Information Is Correct" :: @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter Your Choice :: if "%us%" == "y" goto AddG if "%us%" == "n" goto AG2 if "%us%" == "m" goto AG if "%us%" == "q" goto end goto :men2 :AddG @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @Net localgroup %Group% /add Pause Goto :Men @echo Off :DG @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Nt Delete Group Menu :: @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @net localgroup @echo. @echo. ==== Group Names Are Listed Above Enter Name To Delete Group ==== @echo. @echo. set /p Group= :: Enter Group Name To Delete : @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @Echo. Group Selected To Delete %Group% @echo. @echo. @echo Press y to Continue @echo Press n to Reenter Inormation @echo Press m to Main Menu @echo Press q to Exit @echo. @echo. @echo. :: "Is The Entered Information Is Correct" :: @echo. :men3 @echo. @echo. set us= set /p us= :: Enter Your Choice :: if "%us%" == "y" goto DelG if "%us%" == "n" goto DG if "%us%" == "m" goto AG if "%us%" == "q" goto end goto :men3 :DelG @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @Net localgroup %Group% /delete Pause Goto :Men :LU @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. @net localgroup && Net User Pause Goto :Men :HP @cls @echo. @echo. @echo. :: Email Me:- :: @echo. @echo. @echo.Nt The_Maker Script Create User And Groups Easily @echo. @echo.The Points To Remember Is Use Group Name Just As Shown @echo. @echo.Like If Group Name Is Administrator Type First Word Capital @echo. @echo.Right Administrator @echo.Wrong administrator or any other way @echo. @echo. :end Exit :men Goto :Abo Goto :Menu Goto :Mainch
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