Z80 Programming Help - Smart Home Alarm

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by Salcybercat, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. Salcybercat

    Salcybercat New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Hello! I need some help with this program...it doesn't quite run by the way I want it to

    Develop a program that will simulate a home alarm system, using the DIL switches on the application board to simulate the sensors and the speaker to signal the alarm. The system will detect two conditions (SW =1, means door not closed or window is open)
    a. SW0 - detect the door
    b. SW1 - detect the window
    when switch detected/ or sensor triggered, a high frequency sound will activate as warning. At the same time, LED D4 will be turned on if the door is opened or/and LED D5 will be turned on if the window is opened.

    My program:
    ORG 1800H
    LD A,4FH
    OUT (82H),A
    LD A,0FH
    OUT (83H),A
    START LD B,01H
    IN A,(80H)
    CP B

    DOOR LD A,10H
    OUT (8IH),A

    TONE EQU 05E4H

    It's not quite finished yet,I'm trying to make it work with one switch first. Do give me your thoughts and opinions! If you cannot help, giving me any good sites for reference would be very helpful too. :happy:

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