Win32 SetText call to a TextBox in IEFrame

Discussion in 'Win32' started by RobK, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. RobK

    RobK New Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    I have been doing Win32 programming for several years now, and it wasn't until this week that I have been truely stumped. I'm trying to write a .NET app that will populate a text field in a web page in Internet explorer.

    Now, when I run any API spy to find the appropriate handles for the items within the "ieframe" class (Internet Explorer window) I can only get a handle for the entire web page within the browser, and not the object within it such as text boxes.

    What I am trying to execute is:
    //hIETextbox is the handle of the textbox in the web page...
    SendMessageByString(hIETextbox, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, "This is my Text");

    It works for any other application with text box's, but not IE?!?

    Any Help?
    I can work with samples from any .NET language, thanks.

    BTW...Awsome site, just what I was looking for...

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