Processing requests for license

Discussion in 'C#' started by CuteAssistant, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. CuteAssistant

    CuteAssistant New Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Hi all,
    We have a product called CuteAssistant Data Organizer, a really cute software that lets you manage your tasks, take notes, make quick todo lists, securely store all of your confidential data, describe\tag your fav pics etc. Its hosted using a third party hosting servce. I cannot modify the website scripts since its a template provided by the hosting guys.

    Now my Q is relating to licensing. Or how its done usually.

    When someone downloads the product, its locked by default , so we send them the license key by email to them. Now, I'd like to know if I can automate this and if thats how its done normally. If I receive say 1000's of downloads per day, then I cannot manually send each one of them emails.

    So, I plan to write a standalone POP3 email client, that will read emails from the server( everytime a download is done, then I get an email with the customers email address in it ) and then select each email, parse it and then reply to them with the license key. Of course, this program will have to read only newer email else it will send repeated emails. I plan to check this using timestamp.

    And then I need to let this program run like 24\7 on my comp. so it processes download emails continously. Is that right? Is that how its usually done or is there any other way?

    Please check out our s\w when you have time! Thank you so much. I wish to learn more from this discussion, that may also be useful to others.

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