
Discussion in 'C' started by chemr2, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. chemr2

    chemr2 New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Hello, this is just an excercise/small puzzle to try to figure out what is stored for each variable and what the pointers are pointing to. I figured this wouldn't be that difficult but I want to make sure that I am on the right track. I will put my answers in brackets. Any help appreciated. Thanks
    btw. One of these will end up blank.

    Using the variables and addresses below, fill in the blanks

    a. ptNum = &m;
    b. amtAddr = &amt;
    c. *zAddr = 25;
    d. k = *numAddr;
    e. ptDay = zAddr;
    f. *ptYr = 1987;
    g. *amtAddr = *numAddr;

    Variable = ptNum, Address = 500, Data stored at that address = {8096}

    Variable = amtAddr, Address = 564, Data stored at that address = {16256}

    Variable = zAddr, Address = 8024, Data stored at that address = 20492

    Variable = numAddr, Address = 10132, Data stored at that address = 18938

    Variable = ptDay, Address = 14862, Data stored at that address = {20492}

    Variable = ptYr, Address = 15010, Data stored at that address = 694

    Variable = years, Address = 694, Data stored at that address =

    Variable = m, Address = 8096, Data stored at that address =

    Variable = amt, Address = 16256, Data stored at that address =

    Variable = firstnum, Address = 18938, Data stored at that address = 154

    Variable = slope, Address = 20492, Data stored at that address =

    Variable = k, Address = 24608, Data stored at that address = {10132}
  2. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    This is impossible to answer without the definitions of ptNum, m, amtAddr etc.
    Also the addresses are likely to change whenever you change the code, on each run, on each compile etc, so specific values for addresses cannot be "right" or "wrong".

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